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£5bn pensioners benefits 'unclaimed'

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  • £5bn pensioners benefits 'unclaimed'

    £5bn pensioner benefits 'unclaimed'

    Pensioners are failing to claim up to £5 billion of benefits they are entitled to every year, a charity has said.
    Pensioners fail to claim up to £5bn of benefits

    Help the Aged said £14 million of money that would help elderly people was being left unclaimed every day, despite the fact that one in five pensioners lives in poverty and is struggling to meet the rising cost of living.

    The charity is calling on the Government to automatically pay benefits to those who are entitled to them, rather than forcing people to go through the "convoluted claims process".
    It said 80% of older people thought the Government should pay their benefits to them without them having to submit a claim.
    Each year up to £1.51 billion in council tax benefit and £770 million in housing benefit goes unclaimed, with people also missing out on £2.81 billion of Pension Credit.
    It is estimated that 2.14 million people, or 45% of those eligible, are failing to claim council tax benefit, with 1.82 million not claiming Pension Credit - 41% of those entitled.
    A further 350,000 older people are also not claiming housing benefit.
    Louise Ward-Bergeman, policy officer for Help the Aged, said: "The Government has most of the information it needs to identify people who are entitled to benefits and arrange automatic payment - what's needed is the political will to make it happen.
    "Difficult economic times mean it is even more important for pensioners to get every penny that is rightfully theirs.
    "The Government has a moral duty to ensure older people receive their benefits but until automatic payments are introduced, older people also need to take action. We would urge all older people to find out if they are entitled to benefits that could help."

  • #2
    Re: £5bn pensioners benefits 'unclaimed'

    I have to add to this, as my mum and dad have received money in benefits now that they had never even heard of. This only came about cause my mum went to hospital for some treatment for an illnes she has and the nurse at the hospital asked her about money she was on. This led to a chap from CAB paying them a home visit and filling in all the forms, granted he had to see the details of their financial position and maybe some are a little nervous of giving their details, but it has to be done.
    I will be honest and say my dad, who is the most honest bloke on the planet, feared he would end up in prison on 'Benefit Fraud' was very dubious at first but as I said "You have shown them all you have, the money is there for you use it". I think he is getting used to it now lol.
    So if any of you out there have any elderly relatives or friends who you think may be entitled or even if your not sure, then get the forms at least, or go to the CAB.
    Put this in your mind, there is some old dear out there not knowing wether to heat or eat,
    there is a fat cat Banker who can do both for now and forever, just on his bonus.

    Enaid x


    • #3
      Re: £5bn pensioners benefits 'unclaimed'

      Very nicely put Nelly.


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