On Tuesday morning the Office of Fear & Timidity will face the Trade & Industry select committee.
UK Parliament - TISC PN49 0607
Bank charges are sure to figure prominently on the agenda. Several MPs have recently described the OFTs performance on the bank charge issue
as ''sloathful'', ''toothless'', ''prevaricating'' and needing to ''get a grip''.
I've sent the committee the recent revalations made in reponse to my latest FoIA inquiry that they don't categerise complaints made to them
and therefore have no idea of current consumer concerns.
You can watch it live on the Parliament Live website from 10 am.
UK Parliament - Video and Audio
UK Parliament - TISC PN49 0607
Bank charges are sure to figure prominently on the agenda. Several MPs have recently described the OFTs performance on the bank charge issue
as ''sloathful'', ''toothless'', ''prevaricating'' and needing to ''get a grip''.
I've sent the committee the recent revalations made in reponse to my latest FoIA inquiry that they don't categerise complaints made to them
and therefore have no idea of current consumer concerns.
You can watch it live on the Parliament Live website from 10 am.
UK Parliament - Video and Audio