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Exclusive story(YAWN YAWN) Don't book party in banks' name

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  • Exclusive story(YAWN YAWN) Don't book party in banks' name

    Exclusive: RBS staff told not to book Christmas parties in bank's name over credit crunch row fears

    Nov 24 2008 By Jack Mathieson
    ROYAL Bank of Scotland staff have been told to book Christmas parties in their own names so the business won't be linked to festive frolics.
    Bosses fear parties in the bank's name could trigger negative publicity or anger among cash-strapped customers. Shareholders at the RBS voted to accept a £20billion Government bailout at the bank's general meeting last Thursday.
    In the run-up to the summit, the bank were criticised for splashing out on glitzy parties while awaiting the massive handout.
    The order, which the Record understands was passed from the bank's HQ to branch managers through their regional offices, has angered frontline workers.
    Staff from various branches contacted us to say they felt the policy undermined them.
    One worker said: "We are all working under immense pressure in an incredibly harsh economic climate.
    "We also face real uncertainty about our future job prospects.
    "But we are now being told it could damage our employer's reputation if we are seen to be having a beer and enjoying ourselves over the festive season."
    Earlier this month, the bank held a champagne reception for 40 executives and partners to recognise "outstanding achievement".
    The black-tie ball was transferred from Hampshire to Edinburgh to try to keep it secret and guests were told it would be known as the Kudos event, rather than an RBS function. Kudos is the bank's executive incentive scheme.
    Last night, the bank said: "Individual departments and branches are responsible for organising and booking their own events, including Christmas parties."
    Source: Exclusive: RBS staff told not to book Christmas parties in bank's name over credit crunch row fears - The Daily Record

    I will be going to a bank christmas party paid and 100% funded by the people that are going to attend the event. I will get drunk on my own money, I will eat plenty with my own money and I doubt the press will post a picture of my drunkenness in their paper but rest assured, I will be here afterwards so there will be evidence

  • #2
    Re: Exclusive story(YAWN YAWN) Don't book party in banks' name

    Originally posted by natweststaffmember View Post
    One worker said: "We are all working under immense pressure in an incredibly harsh economic climate.
    "We also face real uncertainty about our future job prospects.
    "But we are now being told it could damage our employer's reputation if we are seen to be having a beer and enjoying ourselves over the festive season."
    Do they think they are the only ones?

    They should be thinking half full rather than half empty and bleating about how hard done by they are. If they had been a small business they'd have gone under instead of being handed a multi-billion pound rescue.


    • #3
      Re: Exclusive story(YAWN YAWN) Don't book party in banks' name

      Sorry I know they are only small cogs in the machine but I can't muster up any sympathy because many are the same people who have (with some honorable exceptions of course) treated customers in difficulty very badly.

      As has already been stated they should be thankful that they have have jobs & as I see there's no mention of their employer NOT paying so bleating cos they have to arrange their parties in their own name seems somewhat churlish.

      I know of firms who have canceled both arranging AND funding Xmas DO's much to the disappointment of the staff


      • #4
        Re: Exclusive story(YAWN YAWN) Don't book party in banks' name

        Mt husbands company have done just that - just to be on the prudent side - but have given food hampers instead . A practical solution .
        "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

        "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


        • #5
          Re: Exclusive story(YAWN YAWN) Don't book party in banks' name

          Food hampers in place of a do!:tinysmile_hmm_t2:

          Crikey what sort of do did they used to have Dinner at the Ritz or are they very cheap hampers


          • #6
            Re: Exclusive story(YAWN YAWN) Don't book party in banks' name

            No quite reasonable ones - all organic food etc - its just that they know exactly what they are spending and everyone gets the same.

            Its for financial reasons this year - plus in the past certain members of staff took too much advantage of a free bar and run up £1000S on drink . So at least this year they can control it . They will still have a get together in a pub, staff only . Another year will be another story I expect.

            Suits me ,as when I go as as a Directors wife, you are not allowed to get drunk and make a fool of yourself - so was not much fun anyway!
            "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

            "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


            • #7
              Re: Exclusive story(YAWN YAWN) Don't book party in banks' name

              I think the reason I posted the story to begin with was the title. I thought it pointless. I hadn't realised cos I didn't read the article in full(I do that a lot) that staff were complaining about it. What a bunch of whingers. The Christmas do I will going to is paid out of my own pocket, but I woulnd't expect the bank to pay for it myself. In fact, Bank organised christmas dos tend to be really boring.


              • #8
                Re: Exclusive story(YAWN YAWN) Don't book party in banks' name

                Organic Yuk!

                Wot u taking about the Xmas do is the 1 time per year you CAN behave like an eejit................... & get away with it....................... just high spirits doncha know


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