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BT's strange way of expressing sympathy

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  • BT's strange way of expressing sympathy


    BT's strange way of expressing sympathy

    All Irene Clarke was trying to do was notify BT that her partner had died and to transfer the couple's account into her name.

    Dauntlessly, she did battle with BT's infamous automated answer system, which is designed to swirl customers around a digital maze until they subside. Forty-five minutes of this earned her a call centre operative on the Indian subcontinent. Clarke explained her sad circumstances and requested that all future bills be addressed to her. The operative confirmed that she was a "known entity" on the account and agreed to amend the records.
    Shortly afterwards Clarke discovered that her phone line was dead. Sleuthing from a neighbour's house revealed that BT had terminated her account and allocated her a new number, which would become active at some unspecified time in the future. Within the hour Clarke's broadband connection also ceased and her service provider told her it would cost £40 and take seven to 10 days to reconnect her. An afternoon of frantic calls from the obliging neighbour's phone re-established her phone line, but with a different number. "I was halfway through making all the contacts necessary for arranging my partner's funeral and I was cut off from the world," says Clarke. "That phone number is my life line."

    BT did eventually restore the old number, but not before sending a letter and two bills to Clarke's late partner, asking him to act as his own executor and assuring him that it wanted to make things "as easy as possible at this difficult time". However, the company insisted it could only afford £40 goodwill for the trauma, a gesture Clarke dimissed as insulting. The press office is made of softer tissue and, admitting that Clarke was a victim of "incorrect procedures", scrapes together £200. And when BT hears the sum is going to charity it soars to £500 plus a bouquet of flowers.

  • #2
    Re: BT's strange way of expressing sympathy

    The exact same thing happened to me except it was 3 weeks before I got my broadband on as im not with BT for that and it was a week before I found that when they had reconnected me it was a different number which meant cancelling my original broadband account on my original land line number and starting again on my new one. When I phoned and complained they asked me if id done a survey today!! I hung up on them and im now going to complain, dont know who to yet, but I will. Just wondering if this is a regular occurance.



    • #3
      Re: BT's strange way of expressing sympathy

      Yes do complain - it will take time and effort and again it is the usual rule - do it in writing

      Some time ago when we moved offices I phoned and confirmed all instructions in writing. It was a very simple proceedure just move our number to another unit on the same estate and they had 3 months notice of the day .

      They still did not get it right and three days later we got a working phone and broadband.

      After lots of complaining and sending copies of all correspondence I was offerd £50.00 compensation.

      In the end I got it up to £225.00

      So same old golden rules

      Keep it in writing and persevere!

      "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

      "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


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