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Number's up for your old mobile? Don't stash it in a drawer - cash it in

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  • Number's up for your old mobile? Don't stash it in a drawer - cash it in

    How many old mobile phone handsets have you got lurking unused in the back of drawers at home? Probably at least two, according to new research from price comparison website moneysupermarket.com, which next week launches a campaign to encourage people to help the environment, and possibly make a bit of cash, by recycling their old mobiles.
    As people regularly upgrade for the latest model, more than 1.5m handsets - many in working order - are thrown away each year because more than two-thirds of users fail to recycle them.
    "The average person has two old mobiles, increasing to an average of three for those under 20. That's a huge number lying around that could be put to good use through recycling," says James Parker, commercial manager of mobiles and broadband at the website.
    Hazardous components - especially lead, cadmium and mercury in the batteries - can pose a threat to the environment if they are discarded in landfill sites. But working handsets can be reused, while those that are past it can be stripped down and their various components recycled.
    The bonus for consumers is that the companies that collect and process mobiles for reuse and recycling are willing to pay for some handsets, depending on the model, age and condition. It can be anything from a couple of quid to more than £200 for the newest, most popular models.
    Selling your phone to one of these outfits is straightforward. On websites like envirofone.com, Mazuma Mobile (mazumamobile.com), Mobile2Cash (mobile2cash.co.uk) and Love2Recycle (love2recycle.com), which is partnering moneysupermarket.com in the campaign, you can look up the price on offer for your phone.
    If you are happy to sell for that price, fill in your details online. You are usually sent a free padded mailing envelope. You can track the progress of your mobile on the website and, once processed, you will be sent a cheque, or the cash will be paid directly into your bank account.
    "Customers come on to our site to renew their mobile contracts or look for a better deal, which often involves getting a new handset. So, as we're effectively pushing new phones into the market, we feel it's our responsibility to make people aware there are options for recycling," says Parker. The partnership's website, moneysupermarket.love2recycle.com, will pay an average £25 to recycle an old phone.
    But this may be misleading. Many older models are worth very little, if anything at all, while a few top models are worth a lot more. Nokia phones on the website's pricelist, for example, include £105 for a functioning N95, £48.10 for an 8800, £4.10 for a 1110, a 1112 or a 1208, £2.10 for a 3410 and nothing at all for a 5510 or a 9000.
    Non-functioning phones have some value, but are worth less than those in full working order - prices paid by processing websites are generally 30% to 50% lower.
    An alternative to profiting yourself from recycling an old handset is to pass on any value to a good cause. Many charities, both large and small, have teamed up with specialist processing organisations such as Greener Solutions (greenersolutions.co.uk) and the Recycling Appeal (recyclingappeal.com) to collect old mobiles for refurbishment or recycling.
    The amount charities receive for each handset depends on the individual arrangement they come to with the processing company and on how much of the promotional work they do themselves.
    The RSPB, for example, which works with the Recycling Appeal, receives varying amounts depending on the condition and age of each handset, working out at an average of £5 per recyclable phone returned. Almost £84,000 has been raised since the arrangement started in 2005.
    Guide Dogs for the Blind, which works with Greener Solutions, receives a flat rate £3.50 per phone, regardless of its age or condition, and has brought in more than 258,000 phones, raising over £900,000 in the past seven years.
    Charities with a scheme in place will normally be able to send you a free envelope, and some charities offer a pick-up service if you collect a large enough quantity of phones. Many schools benefit from similar arrangements - check out Fones4Schools (fones4schools.co.uk), for example.
    You can also hand in handsets for recycling at high street mobile phone shops.

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