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Penalty Charges Newsletter

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  • #16
    Re: Penalty Charges Newsletter

    Originally posted by righty View Post
    I agree poltie It's always been my understanding that to remark on someones grammar is very bad manners. There are occasions when some who look on the web for advice may lack an education or as is the case with Stephen suffer from dyslexia.

    To continually make such derogatory remarks must put such people off from asking for help which is rather ironic as all to often they are the ones who need help most
    ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
    PS Paypal are an appaling bunch of ******s
    thanks righty,
    Don't get me wrong, i know Stephen is not rigidly worried about people who criticize his spelling, and yes i have on occasion had a bit of a laugh with him over this, then again i know Stephen quite well and there was at the time a mutual respect between us, and it was accepted. However this was done in jest on MSN which is entirely different from a online forum where a post can hang about and continue to be raised for all to see, this is what i find unacceptable. It's just another form of bullying but be clear in no way am i saying that this has happened here.
    I do have to admit that this is one of the many reasons i no longer take such a active role in these forums, in fact this is one of the only reasons i re-registered as it is a major bone of contention for me, and admin and mods should be aware of it.


    I do however think that in public announcments, emails etc that represent a site it should get checked over first. i know i've made some clangers in the past, and we had a bit of a row on here cause i spelt something wrong in a letter to lloyds, and errors in the old CAG newsletters used to get well attacked.
    like anything else as far as public anouncements go This can only be done if the facility is there, it clearly wasn't for Stephen, and don't anyone come up with it's on your pc or website because you know already that if you spell something wrong up to 3-5 different words come up now how does someone with dyslexia know what spelling to put in ??? because if they knew that they would be able to spell it.
    Stephen did say it was sent out in a hurry and to be honest Stephen used to have almost everything proof read before sending out this was usualy done by his partner in crime Natasha. They have 3 kids and as he say's 2 of them are Students, Stephen runs his own firm and as far as i'm aware Natasha works also................................so spare a thought for the guy before anyone critisizes him.


    • #17
      Re: Penalty Charges Newsletter

      lol my pc spell checker is still a mystery to me....no criticism from me, yep it can only be done if someones there to do it, and things still get missed, just pointing out with things intended to the public domain, you do get attacked for it...think the biggest boob we made on a CAG newsletter was putting Clydesdale Bank instead of Clydesdale Finance - two entirely different entities....easy mistake but caused no end of problems.

      I think Stephen does a great job getting his newsletters out...think we been trying to get around to doing ours for the last two months but things keep happening.

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      • #18
        Re: Penalty Charges Newsletter

        Yeah, i know what you mean Stephen tried to get the admin and mods to draft the newsletter but i don't think anyone took him up on it lol
        Your all (and by that i mean ALL members of this PC and PAG forums) doing a fab job keep it up


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