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A-level pass rate rockets to highest level ever as only 2.8% of exams are failed

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  • A-level pass rate rockets to highest level ever as only 2.8% of exams are failed

    Teenagers scored record A-level results this year as only 2.8 per cent of exams were failed, figures show today.


  • #2
    Re: A-level pass rate rockets to highest level ever as only 2.8% of exams are failed

    I read this today on the Sky News website and was amused by the following comment from a reader who professes to be 17 and is reacting to the comments that the examination results are better because the examinations themselves are easier.

    This is not edited, this is as it appears on the Sky News site.

    Here we go again with people saying how much easier exams are. They are not, it's quite obvious that the failing generations above us who have got us in to this credit crunch, who are raising children who don't know right or wrong i'm 17 I know that you put me up against anyone who is older than me that thinks exams are easier i will prove to them that my knowledge that my decision making skills are better than theres. Thanks yo older generation for my better education but if you think that exams are getting easier those of youim talking about (30's-60's), you the people that have destroyed this country you have got us in to the problems and its up to us the A students to get ourselves out of your mess.

    Posted By :callum o'connell


    • #3
      Re: A-level pass rate rockets to highest level ever as only 2.8% of exams are failed

      Presumably, he didn't get an A for English.

      Actually, he probably did.


      • #4
        Re: A-level pass rate rockets to highest level ever as only 2.8% of exams are failed

        He obviously didn't read it back before he sent it, and that is one of the first things you are told when studying for your exams.
        Hmmmmm shows he was paying attention in class me thinks - NOT.


        • #5
          Re: A-level pass rate rockets to highest level ever as only 2.8% of exams are failed

          I disagree - he is just thick.


          • #6
            Re: A-level pass rate rockets to highest level ever as only 2.8% of exams are failed

            Its very hard to comment on all these assumptions and I am sure there is some truth in the matter . But my daughter got her three A levels today and is very happy - now she is off to do a course on "building skills for girls" learning plastering ,tiling bricklaying etc . No Uni for her unless she has a specific career in mind.
            "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

            "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


            • #7
              A-level pass rate rockets to highest level ever as test chiefs herald the 'unfailable

              Teenagers scored record A-level results this year as only 2.8 per cent of exams were failed, figures show today.



              • #8
                Re: A-level pass rate rockets to highest level ever as only 2.8% of exams are failed

                Poor old callum o'connell is still getting grief.


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