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Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

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  • Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

    Hi All

    This isnt of any urgency - as god knows (and so do the Beagles, I need one case out of the way before doing another :fencing

    This is just a query, not urgent, on behalf of me and my brother (or is it my brother and I ?)

    Ok, we didn't pounce on this when we spotted it years ago as to be honest we'd been through a lot grieving and we were both at odds as to look into it or not - I've always wanted to, brother didnt but now he does. It's not urgent so I dont want the Beagles putting themselves out for us, its more a 'could you cast your eyes over and see what your view/s are'.

    I'll give you a quick run down of events and I'll post the Will on here tomorrow as you'll obviously need it before commenting. I cant post it now as I'm in bed, it's 1am, the Will is someone in a drawer downstairs and I've just spilled a yogurt all over me :duh:

    Ok, Dad lovely man - married twice - our mother / then stepmonster
    Children - my brother and myself by our mum / two half breeds by stepmonster (I know not politically correct but they are money grabbing horrid lazy lazy horrid horrid beasts as they are their mother's children - rant over)
    Dad - worked hard all his life, never missed a days work, medical notes completely empty - self employed body panel beater
    Stepmonster - (pointless to this post but think he married her on rebound) - attractive, 12 years younger - never worked A DAY in her life - apparent back issue - claimed ALL her life - back problems never an issue when she's out and about on holiday though
    9-10 years ago (I know this is why it's not urgent - just seeing what you think) - Dad diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease - fast progressive - died within 15 mths of diagnosis - never seen the world he wanted to see

    * Note relevant to post but to give you an idea of stepmonster - late 80s before wedding businesses were common, Dad started one, basically a consierge (incorrect spelling) to every part of the wedding minus the dress/s. Business was a weekend thing, was hugely successful, my poor father didnt know what success was, he was doing 2-3 weddings a saturday and it was enough for him to leave that stinking fumy damp garage that was killing him - he hated it. However, stepmonster - as monsterous as she is/was/still is was very good at flower arranging, but in order for him to move forward and leave his business in garage which he was desperate to do, she would have to give up her sickness benefits - trust me this woman is genuinely not sick, her FB pictures say it all - alas the monster would not give her benefits up. Take into considersation this was late 80's, he'd earn more these days, but even back then he was bringing in over a grand per wedding with very little outlay - Dad was a genius at everything he touched, but he wasnt a businessman, so when he found this, it was like he finally had made it in life. He wasnt a 'money person' money didnt matter, I'm not like it, neither is brother, we prefer to be happy and content as long as bills are paid and food on table - that's fine. But he did want to travel, he never got too. Without the flowers, which played a big part, he couldnt run it, he tried but it didnt work and she wouldnt allow him to get someone else in. Business ended and she watched my Dad go back to working 6am until 1130-12midnight around a damp garage every single day, no weekends off, nothing. Garage was an old poky thing, Dad was a perfectionist with a great reputation but business was hard. He hated it.

    Moving on 10 years or so - Motor Neurone diagnosed. Dad had apparently made a Will. I wont go into this part now as it's not relevant, but some years before stepmonster made a rift between us and I was estrangled from my Dad. However, my brother worked with Dad around that garage since a child,, not just father and son, but the very very best of friends. Dad was a very honest person, no I dont like that he allowed her to shut me out but lets leave that there, he'd died and I wont get answers. However, my brother was part of Dad's every day life. Now here's what I do not have proof of:

    No-one told me my Dad was dying, I found out off a stranger by accident. I got to hospital and Dad was already bed ridden and no voice, he was on a voice machine. Told me he loved me through the machine, I'm not too good with that sort of thing and regrettably I couldnt say it back, some of us arent built like it, wish I was different but life gives your lemons and all that ... that however did not take away how much I was broken up, I just dont show emotion outright. So he loved me, I know 100% he loved my brother. Stepmonster, spoke to me decently during hospital visits, but she's not to be trusted so I kept my guard up. She told me and my partner, both her and my dad had made Wills at same time. However, she said just before dad became bed bound (from diagnosis to death 15mths so it was within this time) she said they had visited the solicitors to have 'my brother' excluded out of Dad's Will. No reason just said that. I presume I was never in it ........ who cares, I wouldnt have contested it at time as I firmly believe if someone doesnt want to leave you anything you shouldnt fight it. So a 2nd Will had been made, excluding brother. Ok, brother has no claim also and Dad had nothing except ........... those garages and house which my grandad had bought for him, and after grandad died, nan left dad the house.

    Dad passed.
    Stepmonster went from decent to revealing her true colours - money grabbing *&)(^)"&!)(£ of a (*"&!*
    I had a phonecall a few days after the funeral from my distressed brother saying he was at the garages, all the locks had been changed. Stepmonster had arrived at scene and told brother garages were now her's and her children's and he was not allowed on premises. My brother had worked with my father and needed his equipment, but she refused him and called Police. Police apparently although had to ask my brother to leave, were very kind to him. I advised my brother on phone to leave and go home.

    I then contacted stepmonster through a solicitor requesting a copy of the Will - reason for this was solely about the garages. Please note: I was fully aware that I would not see my name on Will, it didnt matter, but it was not ringing true that my Dad would exclude my brother, they were beyond a father son relationship, it just wasnt adding up. Grandad has bought garages for Dad and Dad always said garages were to go to my brother...............yes I know, heresay is nothing

    So, stepmonster rings me screaming, demanding that I and my partner go to house to view Will. I refused, I kept very calm and said, I just wanted a copy, but if she wont provide it then not to worry. She kept screaming that my Dad hated both me and my brother, I still kept calm. In fact she screamed a lot, I still kept calm and still refused to attend house. It was a very odd reaction, just for a request for a Will.

    Next few days the Will arrives. It looked typical of what my Dad would have done in the 80s / early 90s, every ornate and a home one, not a professional one. It lays out his name and address as you will see when I post it up tomorrrow, and that everything he has, which wasnt anything, was to go to my stepmonster, then after her the two halfbreeds. No mention of my brother. So ok, what could we do. I knew I wouldnt be in it, and my brother was grieving so much, plus we're not money grabbers, we werent going to contest it. However, we were pretty stupid because it wasnt until a good while later that we noticed on the back of the Will, where it says:

    the above named signed: (dad's signature here) .............. the above bit wasnt dad's name at all - as I havent posted Will up, Ill jot down and example below:

    Printed name here (of my Dad): Rock Hudson (but Dad's name wasnt rock hudson, it was John Wayne)
    Last Will & Testament of the above named (signature here) which looks similar to Dad's (John Wayne)

    The person's name in the space where Dad's should be is totally unknown to us.
    Also the two witnesses below Dad's signature (in the presence of is of the solicitor (fine)
    The solicitor's then secretary (also fine) ........... but, the secretary is my stepmonster's neice (in fact, this diverts again a little, she actually may not be her niece, she maybe stepmonster's daughter, we think there was a family cover up before dad married her but nonetheless, not relevant to case but trying to say there's a bond there)

    * So, not Dad's name above his signature - is this Will real?
    * We know we cant contest it as it's gone too long but we know if something fradulent has happened we can report it
    * Is a close relative allowed to be a witness on the Will

    Also, stepmonster was Executor of Will. She gained in sale of our grandparents house 150k and the sale of the garages 30k
    Dad did not have a penny all the time he was alive, except when doing those weddings, when that ended, although not a debtor, he was a hard working man who had nothing to show for it. He was so poor that my brother often loaned him money so stepmonster didnt know

    The Will went through Probate (I am far from au fait with all this stuff) and she didnt sell houses or garages immediately after Dad's death. But my brother knows but cant prove it himself that she carried on trading in the car business in my Dad's name after he passed (buying and selling cars), we dont know how to go about proving this

    A week after Dad passed - she went on a cruise with her sister and said niece, to egypt etc
    Came back for 2 weeks and went away again on another cruise to africa again with sister and said niece

    All of a sudden there was lots of money - this was before house sold, garages sold, Will exectuted

    And to top it off, we then find out my Dad's best friend was her new BF, he'd been 'visiting' her while my Dad was in hospital to 'help her through her difficult time'

    Dad died in the October, she'd been on 2 cruises, started dating his so called best friend (well, I think they were in flagrante delicto while dad was alive to be honest ......... geez, I can spell that but not 'concierge':tinysmile_grin_t:
    And, we looked on her FB (Im not part of FB so someone showed me as I dont know how it all works) and she had house parties, drinking, dancing, and loads of people there, in the house my Dad was left, knocked down and rebuilt every brick himself, with no help from anyone. This woman has never ever ever worked, ever, not only Dad, but a number of people have left her money, large amounts in their Will's, she befriends them, they die, she gets money :noidea::suspicious::spy: ........... I've always worked and the most I can afford after 10years of hope is a new sofa (it's green, it's gorgeous, its a bespoke chesterfield and I'm so excited, but I wont let anyone sit on it, not a single ass has been plonked on it, visitors have to sit on stools in the kitchen :tung: ..... ok, sorry, back on topic) ................. Also on FB are all the holidays she's been on since Dad passed - Note: Dad went to Lanzarote (cant spell that either) when they met in the 80s, that's it, he never seen outside his home town and it depressed him, he was a born traveller like me, he wanted to see the world

    1. We cant contest the Will it's too far gone
    2. We wouldn't even if we were within that time because we're not greedy people and truly believe Will's shouldnt be contested of a person doesnt want to give you anything (note: unless there is good reason in some cases to contest of course, so I'm not condemning people who have had to do this by no means)
    3. We only want to see what experts think, as it seems this woman now, who still claims benefits (I mean such a bad back, oh so bad) has seen more of the world than me, my Dad and brother and probably most people on here
    4. We want justice to be done for our father 'if' something fraudulent has taken place, but with the exception of the Will looking not right, we dont know where to start digging, my brother is 100% she carried on trading after Dad passed, but he cant prove it paperwork wise so we dont know where to start there
    5. She keeps getting reported to the DWP - nothing happens - we know she hides her money somewhere, she's cunning
    6. Even though she probably did keep trading, it still wouldnt have brought in the money she had coming in after Dad's death
    7. I know people are going to mention insurance, I know, and my brother too, NOTHING about insurance - Dad had no money, if a big payout happens, wouldnt he have had to pay a lot in?
    8. She's living now in a huge huge house, a life of luxury, beyond amount of holidays abroad with my dad's best friend ....... ps, also a claimant

    NOTE: THIS IS NOT URGENT - BUT if any Beagles are scanning these pages one night and come across my long boring post - if anything stands out, of anything I've mentioned, I'd be so grateful if you could let me know - I'll post Will on here tomorrow

    Ok - this yogurt I tipped all over myself has solidified - it's disgusting - it's 2-30pm and I'm a yogurt covered insomniac that needs to go and wash - Good night Beagles and thanks for anything you can help with (again) ....... not for me, I dont want anything financial from this, no thank you ............ but if my Dad wished my brother to gain or my Dad has been done and injustice - it's for them not me ......... I'm happy with my new sofa !!!!! :cheer2: x
    "Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self esteem and personal satisfaction" Margaret Thatcher

    "When somebody challenges you, fight back, be brutal, be tough” Donald Trump

    "I fought for the underdog for a level playing field" Judge Jeanine Pirro

    "There's a natural law of Karma that vindictive people who go out of their way to hurt others will end up broke and alone" Sylvester Stallone


    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

    Originally posted by Sessie View Post
    This is just a query, not urgent, on behalf of me and my brother (or is it my brother and I ?) My brother and me, I think.

    This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

    You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
    Cohen, Herb

    There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
    gets his brain a-going.
    Phelps, C. C.

    "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
    The last words of John Sedgwick


    • #3
      Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

      Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
      Well, That's the important bit sorted, Charity!:tinysmile_kiss_t4:


      • #4
        Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

        Originally posted by des8 View Post
        Well, That's the important bit sorted, Charity!:tinysmile_kiss_t4:
        Thanks, des!

        Of course, it all depends on the context.

        For instance, My brother and I went to the shop would be ok.

        This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

        You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
        Cohen, Herb

        There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
        gets his brain a-going.
        Phelps, C. C.

        "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
        The last words of John Sedgwick


        • #5
          Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

          Two points, your Dad is John Wayne, how cool is that ! ... and you have the sofa I WANT ! ( am constantly scouring ebay and gumtree for one local, in good nick, that I can afford ... actually 2 .... in oxblood though... so completely different really, but still envious

          Have you checked the will on the probate website https://www.gov.uk/search-will-probate and see if it is the same as the one you were given a copy of by stepmonster ? - https://www.gov.uk/search-will-probate

          (oh, and it's 'My Brother and I ' )

          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

          Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


          • #6
            Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

            Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
            Thanks, des!

            Of course, it all depends on the context.

            For instance, My brother and I went to the shop would be ok.
            Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
            (oh, and it's 'My Brother and I ' )
            CAVEAT LECTOR

            This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

            You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
            Cohen, Herb

            There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
            gets his brain a-going.
            Phelps, C. C.

            "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
            The last words of John Sedgwick


            • #7
              Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

              ME..... qualified by "on behalf of"


              • #8
                Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

                Sofa, so good?

                CAVEAT LECTOR

                This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                Cohen, Herb

                There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                gets his brain a-going.
                Phelps, C. C.

                "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                The last words of John Sedgwick


                • #9
                  Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

                  Originally posted by Sessie View Post
                  Hi All

                  This isnt of any urgency - as god knows (and so do the Beagles, I need one case out of the way before doing another :fencing

                  This is just a query, not urgent, on behalf of me and my brother (or is it my brother and I ?)

                  Ok, we didn't pounce on this when we spotted it years ago as to be honest we'd been through a lot grieving and we were both at odds as to look into it or not - I've always wanted to, brother didnt but now he does. It's not urgent so I dont want the Beagles putting themselves out for us, its more a 'could you cast your eyes over and see what your view/s are'.

                  I'll give you a quick run down of events and I'll post the Will on here tomorrow as you'll obviously need it before commenting. I cant post it now as I'm in bed, it's 1am, the Will is someone in a drawer downstairs and I've just spilled a yogurt all over me :duh:

                  Ok, Dad lovely man - married twice - our mother / then stepmonster
                  Children - my brother and myself by our mum / two half breeds by stepmonster (I know not politically correct but they are money grabbing horrid lazy lazy horrid horrid beasts as they are their mother's children - rant over)
                  Dad - worked hard all his life, never missed a days work, medical notes completely empty - self employed body panel beater
                  Stepmonster - (pointless to this post but think he married her on rebound) - attractive, 12 years younger - never worked A DAY in her life - apparent back issue - claimed ALL her life - back problems never an issue when she's out and about on holiday though
                  9-10 years ago (I know this is why it's not urgent - just seeing what you think) - Dad diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease - fast progressive - died within 15 mths of diagnosis - never seen the world he wanted to see

                  * Note relevant to post but to give you an idea of stepmonster - late 80s before wedding businesses were common, Dad started one, basically a consierge (incorrect spelling) to every part of the wedding minus the dress/s. Business was a weekend thing, was hugely successful, my poor father didnt know what success was, he was doing 2-3 weddings a saturday and it was enough for him to leave that stinking fumy damp garage that was killing him - he hated it. However, stepmonster - as monsterous as she is/was/still is was very good at flower arranging, but in order for him to move forward and leave his business in garage which he was desperate to do, she would have to give up her sickness benefits - trust me this woman is genuinely not sick, her FB pictures say it all - alas the monster would not give her benefits up. Take into considersation this was late 80's, he'd earn more these days, but even back then he was bringing in over a grand per wedding with very little outlay - Dad was a genius at everything he touched, but he wasnt a businessman, so when he found this, it was like he finally had made it in life. He wasnt a 'money person' money didnt matter, I'm not like it, neither is brother, we prefer to be happy and content as long as bills are paid and food on table - that's fine. But he did want to travel, he never got too. Without the flowers, which played a big part, he couldnt run it, he tried but it didnt work and she wouldnt allow him to get someone else in. Business ended and she watched my Dad go back to working 6am until 1130-12midnight around a damp garage every single day, no weekends off, nothing. Garage was an old poky thing, Dad was a perfectionist with a great reputation but business was hard. He hated it.

                  Moving on 10 years or so - Motor Neurone diagnosed. Dad had apparently made a Will. I wont go into this part now as it's not relevant, but some years before stepmonster made a rift between us and I was estrangled from my Dad. However, my brother worked with Dad around that garage since a child,, not just father and son, but the very very best of friends. Dad was a very honest person, no I dont like that he allowed her to shut me out but lets leave that there, he'd died and I wont get answers. However, my brother was part of Dad's every day life. Now here's what I do not have proof of:

                  No-one told me my Dad was dying, I found out off a stranger by accident. I got to hospital and Dad was already bed ridden and no voice, he was on a voice machine. Told me he loved me through the machine, I'm not too good with that sort of thing and regrettably I couldnt say it back, some of us arent built like it, wish I was different but life gives your lemons and all that ... that however did not take away how much I was broken up, I just dont show emotion outright. So he loved me, I know 100% he loved my brother. Stepmonster, spoke to me decently during hospital visits, but she's not to be trusted so I kept my guard up. She told me and my partner, both her and my dad had made Wills at same time. However, she said just before dad became bed bound (from diagnosis to death 15mths so it was within this time) she said they had visited the solicitors to have 'my brother' excluded out of Dad's Will. No reason just said that. I presume I was never in it ........ who cares, I wouldnt have contested it at time as I firmly believe if someone doesnt want to leave you anything you shouldnt fight it. So a 2nd Will had been made, excluding brother. Ok, brother has no claim also and Dad had nothing except ........... those garages and house which my grandad had bought for him, and after grandad died, nan left dad the house.

                  Dad passed.
                  Stepmonster went from decent to revealing her true colours - money grabbing *&)(^)"&!)(£ of a (*"&!*
                  I had a phonecall a few days after the funeral from my distressed brother saying he was at the garages, all the locks had been changed. Stepmonster had arrived at scene and told brother garages were now her's and her children's and he was not allowed on premises. My brother had worked with my father and needed his equipment, but she refused him and called Police. Police apparently although had to ask my brother to leave, were very kind to him. I advised my brother on phone to leave and go home.

                  I then contacted stepmonster through a solicitor requesting a copy of the Will - reason for this was solely about the garages. Please note: I was fully aware that I would not see my name on Will, it didnt matter, but it was not ringing true that my Dad would exclude my brother, they were beyond a father son relationship, it just wasnt adding up. Grandad has bought garages for Dad and Dad always said garages were to go to my brother...............yes I know, heresay is nothing

                  So, stepmonster rings me screaming, demanding that I and my partner go to house to view Will. I refused, I kept very calm and said, I just wanted a copy, but if she wont provide it then not to worry. She kept screaming that my Dad hated both me and my brother, I still kept calm. In fact she screamed a lot, I still kept calm and still refused to attend house. It was a very odd reaction, just for a request for a Will.

                  Next few days the Will arrives. It looked typical of what my Dad would have done in the 80s / early 90s, every ornate and a home one, not a professional one. It lays out his name and address as you will see when I post it up tomorrrow, and that everything he has, which wasnt anything, was to go to my stepmonster, then after her the two halfbreeds. No mention of my brother. So ok, what could we do. I knew I wouldnt be in it, and my brother was grieving so much, plus we're not money grabbers, we werent going to contest it. However, we were pretty stupid because it wasnt until a good while later that we noticed on the back of the Will, where it says:

                  the above named signed: (dad's signature here) .............. the above bit wasnt dad's name at all - as I havent posted Will up, Ill jot down and example below:

                  Printed name here (of my Dad): Rock Hudson (but Dad's name wasnt rock hudson, it was John Wayne)
                  Last Will & Testament of the above named (signature here) which looks similar to Dad's (John Wayne)

                  The person's name in the space where Dad's should be is totally unknown to us.
                  Also the two witnesses below Dad's signature (in the presence of is of the solicitor (fine)
                  The solicitor's then secretary (also fine) ........... but, the secretary is my stepmonster's neice (in fact, this diverts again a little, she actually may not be her niece, she maybe stepmonster's daughter, we think there was a family cover up before dad married her but nonetheless, not relevant to case but trying to say there's a bond there)

                  * So, not Dad's name above his signature - is this Will real?
                  * We know we cant contest it as it's gone too long but we know if something fradulent has happened we can report it
                  * Is a close relative allowed to be a witness on the Will

                  Also, stepmonster was Executor of Will. She gained in sale of our grandparents house 150k and the sale of the garages 30k
                  Dad did not have a penny all the time he was alive, except when doing those weddings, when that ended, although not a debtor, he was a hard working man who had nothing to show for it. He was so poor that my brother often loaned him money so stepmonster didnt know

                  The Will went through Probate (I am far from au fait with all this stuff) and she didnt sell houses or garages immediately after Dad's death. But my brother knows but cant prove it himself that she carried on trading in the car business in my Dad's name after he passed (buying and selling cars), we dont know how to go about proving this

                  A week after Dad passed - she went on a cruise with her sister and said niece, to egypt etc
                  Came back for 2 weeks and went away again on another cruise to africa again with sister and said niece

                  All of a sudden there was lots of money - this was before house sold, garages sold, Will exectuted

                  And to top it off, we then find out my Dad's best friend was her new BF, he'd been 'visiting' her while my Dad was in hospital to 'help her through her difficult time'

                  Dad died in the October, she'd been on 2 cruises, started dating his so called best friend (well, I think they were in flagrante delicto while dad was alive to be honest ......... geez, I can spell that but not 'concierge':tinysmile_grin_t:
                  And, we looked on her FB (Im not part of FB so someone showed me as I dont know how it all works) and she had house parties, drinking, dancing, and loads of people there, in the house my Dad was left, knocked down and rebuilt every brick himself, with no help from anyone. This woman has never ever ever worked, ever, not only Dad, but a number of people have left her money, large amounts in their Will's, she befriends them, they die, she gets money :noidea::suspicious::spy: ........... I've always worked and the most I can afford after 10years of hope is a new sofa (it's green, it's gorgeous, its a bespoke chesterfield and I'm so excited, but I wont let anyone sit on it, not a single ass has been plonked on it, visitors have to sit on stools in the kitchen :tung: ..... ok, sorry, back on topic) ................. Also on FB are all the holidays she's been on since Dad passed - Note: Dad went to Lanzarote (cant spell that either) when they met in the 80s, that's it, he never seen outside his home town and it depressed him, he was a born traveller like me, he wanted to see the world

                  1. We cant contest the Will it's too far gone
                  2. We wouldn't even if we were within that time because we're not greedy people and truly believe Will's shouldnt be contested of a person doesnt want to give you anything (note: unless there is good reason in some cases to contest of course, so I'm not condemning people who have had to do this by no means)
                  3. We only want to see what experts think, as it seems this woman now, who still claims benefits (I mean such a bad back, oh so bad) has seen more of the world than me, my Dad and brother and probably most people on here
                  4. We want justice to be done for our father 'if' something fraudulent has taken place, but with the exception of the Will looking not right, we dont know where to start digging, my brother is 100% she carried on trading after Dad passed, but he cant prove it paperwork wise so we dont know where to start there
                  5. She keeps getting reported to the DWP - nothing happens - we know she hides her money somewhere, she's cunning
                  6. Even though she probably did keep trading, it still wouldnt have brought in the money she had coming in after Dad's death
                  7. I know people are going to mention insurance, I know, and my brother too, NOTHING about insurance - Dad had no money, if a big payout happens, wouldnt he have had to pay a lot in?
                  8. She's living now in a huge huge house, a life of luxury, beyond amount of holidays abroad with my dad's best friend ....... ps, also a claimant

                  NOTE: THIS IS NOT URGENT - BUT if any Beagles are scanning these pages one night and come across my long boring post - if anything stands out, of anything I've mentioned, I'd be so grateful if you could let me know - I'll post Will on here tomorrow

                  Ok - this yogurt I tipped all over myself has solidified - it's disgusting - it's 2-30pm and I'm a yogurt covered insomniac that needs to go and wash - Good night Beagles and thanks for anything you can help with (again) ....... not for me, I dont want anything financial from this, no thank you ............ but if my Dad wished my brother to gain or my Dad has been done and injustice - it's for them not me ......... I'm happy with my new sofa !!!!! :cheer2: x
                  I'll comment at some point.. as it's rather long


                  • #10
                    Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

                    lol, and thanks for quoting it all.

                    Basically - is a Will Valid if the signature is ( or appears to be) correct but the name printed next to the signature is incorrect ?

                    Also can a Witness be a relative or indirect beneficiary ( daughter of executor and main beneficiary in this case) ?

                    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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                    • #11
                      Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

                      Originally posted by des8 View Post
                      Well, That's the important bit sorted, Charity!:tinysmile_kiss_t4:

                      - - - Updated - - -

                      Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
                      Thanks, des!

                      Of course, it all depends on the context.

                      For instance, My brother and I went to the shop would be ok.

                      ? because the shop is the topic ? aww please say I'm right in something :ear:
                      "Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self esteem and personal satisfaction" Margaret Thatcher

                      "When somebody challenges you, fight back, be brutal, be tough” Donald Trump

                      "I fought for the underdog for a level playing field" Judge Jeanine Pirro

                      "There's a natural law of Karma that vindictive people who go out of their way to hurt others will end up broke and alone" Sylvester Stallone



                      • #12
                        Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

                        Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
                        lol, and thanks for quoting it all.

                        Basically - is a Will Valid if the signature is ( or appears to be) correct but the name printed next to the signature is incorrect ?

                        Also can a Witness be a relative or indirect beneficiary ( daughter of executor and main beneficiary in this case) ?
                        & is it my brother & I or my brother & me?



                        Ooops! Crossed posts with Sessie................ships that passed in the night, lol!
                        CAVEAT LECTOR

                        This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                        You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                        Cohen, Herb

                        There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                        gets his brain a-going.
                        Phelps, C. C.

                        "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                        The last words of John Sedgwick


                        • #13
                          Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

                          Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
                          Two points, your Dad is John Wayne, how cool is that ! ... and you have the sofa I WANT ! ( am constantly scouring ebay and gumtree for one local, in good nick, that I can afford ... actually 2 .... in oxblood though... so completely different really, but still envious

                          Have you checked the will on the probate website https://www.gov.uk/search-will-probate and see if it is the same as the one you were given a copy of by stepmonster ? - https://www.gov.uk/search-will-probate

                          (oh, and it's 'My Brother and I ' )
                          1) Yep Dad was John Wayne the best part ................ trying on the cowboy hats :o)
                          2) Sofa - awww superb - I'll pm you with a pic and of chair - he runs his own business up in lancashire, makes whatever you want, specialises in chesterfields but makes them to any size, design, fabric - I'll pm you all his details - you can find him on ebay - prices ....... Wow !!!!
                          3) Yes - Even though I dont understand Probate stuff I did go to office and pay for a copy and yes it's the same as what she gave to me - but this signature and name thing - odd
                          4) I've taken a break today from this other rotten case, so I had a day off and went plant shopping, Im going to fish out WILL in a moment and post on here to see what you big brains think ........... mines only small ...............teenee ..................but I have a nice sofa !!!! :o)
                          5) Really - my brother and I ? ok - grammer correction taken on board ................ it has to be noted, in wales we say 'I'll be there now in a minute mun' ......... so I can be forgiven for getting it wrong yes ? (oh noooo, Des and Welshman will be after me for that ,,,,,,,,,,,, :bolt:
                          6) I am so tired - did you see what time I went to bed ? Aww tired tired tired

                          - - - Updated - - -

                          Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
                          Thanks, des!

                          Of course, it all depends on the context.

                          For instance, My brother and I went to the shop would be ok.
                          Because 'shop' is the main topic? .... please say I'm right because if I'm not I'm now very confused :bowl::bowl:
                          "Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self esteem and personal satisfaction" Margaret Thatcher

                          "When somebody challenges you, fight back, be brutal, be tough” Donald Trump

                          "I fought for the underdog for a level playing field" Judge Jeanine Pirro

                          "There's a natural law of Karma that vindictive people who go out of their way to hurt others will end up broke and alone" Sylvester Stallone



                          • #14
                            Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

                            Originally posted by Sessie View Post

                            - - - Updated - - -

                            ? because the shop is the topic ? aww please say I'm right in something :ear:
                            Just take out the 'brother' bit.

                            ie My brother and I had a drink - remove 'my brother and' - I had a drink - (correct)

                            A package came for my brother and I - A package came for I (incorrect - unless you are a Rasta, like Bob Marley, RIP!)


                            CAVEAT LECTOR

                            This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                            You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                            Cohen, Herb

                            There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                            gets his brain a-going.
                            Phelps, C. C.

                            "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                            The last words of John Sedgwick


                            • #15
                              Re: Dad's signature on Will (well, possibly) but not his name above the signature

                              Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
                              Sofa, so good?

                              Oh yes - Ive waited a long time for this - I'll pm you a pic - it's not for everyone but I love it :o)
                              Just like Im not for everyone
                              and just like me, people arent allowed to plonk their bums on it either - it's for show only
                              Im not waiting for a sofa for that long so smelly bottoms can go on it !
                              "Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self esteem and personal satisfaction" Margaret Thatcher

                              "When somebody challenges you, fight back, be brutal, be tough” Donald Trump

                              "I fought for the underdog for a level playing field" Judge Jeanine Pirro

                              "There's a natural law of Karma that vindictive people who go out of their way to hurt others will end up broke and alone" Sylvester Stallone



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