I am administering my mothers estate. The DWP recovery from estates dept have requested all my mothers documentation which I have sent. They issues a claim on the estate so I asked them to provide details of how the claim was arrived at. I am still waiting for this. I rand them about their delay and was told that there is 'a due process'.
I have just received a letter threatening court action for recovery of the sum in their assessment, along with a CCJ and a marker on my credit file, also a threat that any outstanding amount can be deducted from my current or future welfare payments.
After the initial shock I am now angry. Can they really deduct money from my pension on account of my mothers over-payments? I feel a strong letter coming on demanding an apology.
I know that any court action would be dismissed whilst their investigations are still in progress, but I understand that they do not need to go to court to make deductions from any payments. Can deductions be taken from my payments as I am the administrator to clear my mothers account? seems somewhat illegal to me.
I have just received a letter threatening court action for recovery of the sum in their assessment, along with a CCJ and a marker on my credit file, also a threat that any outstanding amount can be deducted from my current or future welfare payments.
After the initial shock I am now angry. Can they really deduct money from my pension on account of my mothers over-payments? I feel a strong letter coming on demanding an apology.
I know that any court action would be dismissed whilst their investigations are still in progress, but I understand that they do not need to go to court to make deductions from any payments. Can deductions be taken from my payments as I am the administrator to clear my mothers account? seems somewhat illegal to me.