Challenging that "fake" Will...
In their letter to the Executors, our contact's solicitor used the standard LvN questions under The ACTAPS Practice Guidance for the Resolution of Probate and Trust Disputes (“The ACTAPS Code”)
This one answer in particular has left us wondering what we should do next...
Q. Were you informed or otherwise aware of any medical history of the deceased that might bear upon the issue of his capacity?
A. We were aware of the minor health issues at the point of the consultation.
We need the Executor's answer to be turned into a major plus for us? Need as many suggestions as possible before solicitor is instructed to commence battle...
And, no, Executors have not revealed what those minor health issues were.
In their letter to the Executors, our contact's solicitor used the standard LvN questions under The ACTAPS Practice Guidance for the Resolution of Probate and Trust Disputes (“The ACTAPS Code”)
This one answer in particular has left us wondering what we should do next...
Q. Were you informed or otherwise aware of any medical history of the deceased that might bear upon the issue of his capacity?
A. We were aware of the minor health issues at the point of the consultation.
We need the Executor's answer to be turned into a major plus for us? Need as many suggestions as possible before solicitor is instructed to commence battle...
And, no, Executors have not revealed what those minor health issues were.