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Coerced change of will

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  • Coerced change of will

    Back in 2011, my late sister told me that she was going to look after an aunt who had terminal cancer. At that time, my sister was supposed to be caring for my dad (he didn't really need that much caring, but he was 80, so I found it strange that my sister should be doing this. As a bit of background information, my sister had worked as a live in carer, getting jobs through agencies. She had never had a relationship and had never moved away from home.
    My sister phoned me when she was looking after aunt and told me some alarming things. She had said to the aunt, that she look after her, as long as the aunt changed her will in my sister's favour, which she did. The will had previously been left in favour of my aunt's late husband's brother. My sister then said that my aunt was "complaining" about being in pain all the time, so my sister told her that she could take as many painkillers as possible. She did this and overdosed, not fatally but enough to warrant a few days in hospital. My aunt then passed away a few weeks later.
    My sister passed away in 2022, which set in place a very strange set of events.
    My father had dementia as early as 2014 and by 2020, he could not recognise me or speak to me on the phone. I have his medical records which clearly state that he had advanced dementia in June 2020.
    I found out that his will and LPA were changed in late 2021, where it clearly states - Lacks capacity to give consent (Mental capacity act 2005). Not for resuscitation.
    I want to find out more about my late aunt, but I don't have much to go on. I know that she lived in a parkhome/static caravan and I know the rough location. I want to know when and how the will was changed and how it was witnessed.
    The up to date stuff is being dealt with and this could be just further proof that a lot of coercion was being used in these will changes.
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  • #2
    Welcome to LB
    You can search for a will on the gov.uk website.
    You will need your aunt's address and date of death and pay a few pounds
    Back in 2011 banks would release a lot less money without probate than they do now.so you should find the will
    You will only find the latest will, not the previous will


    • #3
      Search probate records for documents and wills (England and Wales) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

      It isn't essential to know the address but if you include it - or just the town she lived in at time of death - it will narrow down the number of names that a search produces. You have to enter year of death, the full date is not required but helps reduce the number of names that come up in the search results if you know it.
      All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
        Welcome to LB
        You can search for a will on the gov.uk website.
        You will need your aunt's address and date of death and pay a few pounds
        Back in 2011 banks would release a lot less money without probate than they do now.so you should find the will
        You will only find the latest will, not the previous will
        Many thanks, search completed and will applied for. Let us hope it is the right person and not my aunt's doppelganger.


        • #5
          Just a quick update. It is not the same person.


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