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Unpleasant dealing with sibling

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  • Unpleasant dealing with sibling

    We finally agreed to sell the family home (joint executors). We've had photos done and I've signed off the draft particulars. Sister is dragging her heels with signing. Wants to send everything to a friend to look at, being very picky. Wants a higher price than both estate agents suggested. I think this is all to try and delay the process. I understand she's suffering because she doesn't want the house to go but there is a will and it has to be sold.

    I'm having severe anxiety due to all the messages. We have probate. Not sure I can handle the stress anymore. How much would a solicitor charge to act on my behalf to get the house marketed and sold
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  • #2
    This is a continuation of this thread

    Selling inherited house. Sibling making it difficult. - LegalBeagles Forum
    All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


    • #3
      Don't you already have a solicitor who is going to do the conveyancing on behalf of the Estate? The solicitor's fees should be paid out of the Estate.
      Last edited by PallasAthena; 27th March 2024, 16:08:PM.
      All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


      • #4
        No solicitor yet. What is conveyancing? I've never sold a house before.


        • #5
          Conveyancing = the legal processes when selling a house, of transferring ("conveying") ownership from your mother's Estate to the buyer.


          Selling as an executor -Trowers & Hamlins

          I'm surprised the Estate Agent you are using hasn't already asked you about this. They normally want to know which solicitor you will be using befoe they agree to market the property.

          They can also advise you on whether the final sale price needs a revised IHT declaration to HMRC and whether any Capital Gains Tax needs to be paid by the Estate on any increase in value from date of death to date of sale.
          Last edited by PallasAthena; 27th March 2024, 16:10:PM.
          All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


          • #6
            Thank you. I'll ask the estate agent tomorrow


            • #7
              Sisters house is worth 540k with a mortgage of 60k. Could she transfer her house to me and then I could sell it and split the proceeds with the other beneficiary? We would then reject our claim on the will/estate. My sister could then have the house and the responsibility of paying the inheritance tax.

              Is that even possible?


              • #8
                Please help. I'm on the verge of a breakdown over this


                • #9
                  Originally posted by VeryStressed View Post
                  Sisters house is worth 540k with a mortgage of 60k. Could she transfer her house to me and then I could sell it and split the proceeds with the other beneficiary? We would then reject our claim on the will/estate. My sister could then have the house and the responsibility of paying the inheritance tax.

                  Is that even possible?
                  Is it realistic? Is there any chance of this scheme being agreed by all necessary parties?
                  Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

                  Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


                  • #10
                    I would agree but that would leave her in a precarious financial state


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