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Help please with old Will

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  • Help please with old Will

    Hi, I’m new to the forum and was wondering if there was anybody out there that could talk me through an old will ?
    it’s my grandads will from 15 years ago and I wasn’t told I was involved in it by my uncles, I might be entitled to nothing but if somebody could help me read it that would be great
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Please post the relevant text, but anonymised, and also ask your questions.
    Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

    Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


    • #3
      Hi, it’s a hard one to post anonymous and make sense of, it’s been altered with pen and my name hand written in, I’d rather send it in a private message.
      I’ll have to try and think of how I’m going to do it


      • #4
        Type out the words that you would like us to consider.

        Most of us do not advise by PM.
        Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

        Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


        • #5
          Your grandfather died some years ago?

          If Probate was granted you will be able to get a copy of the Will that was used to obtain Probate. Go to Search probate records for documents and wills (England and Wales) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) and see if Probate for your grandfather is listed. If it is you can download a copy of the Will (costs £1-50)

          If that Will is dated later than what you have then it probably cancels earlier Wills such as the one you are asking about.

          "it's been altered with pen and my name hand written in" raises the question whether the document you hold was ever a valid Will.
          All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


          • #6
            The Will was altered and my name put in using a pen, so I presume I’ve been put into the Will at a later date but never told, ill sit down tonight and try and make sence of it all, basically at the start of the Will my uncles are the trustees but on the page after I’ve been written into the Will as a trustee (well that’s the way I read it)


            • #7
              I suggest that you show the document to a solicitor to obtain the advice you seek. It is not going to be possible for anyone to give worthwhile advice based on your attempts to describe the document.
              Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

              Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


              • #8
                Yes I think your right, I’m just a bit worried about how to go about it, I’ve never done anything like this so not sure of the process, will they give me a rough price because I think it will take some digging to find out if I’m entitled to anything, the said estate is still owned by my uncle but it was just so long ago.
                Thanks again


                • #9
                  Yes, you can ask about fees, and agree a fees budget or a cap on charges.
                  Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

                  Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


                  • #10
                    Thanks for your reply


                    • #11
                      Hi again
                      i I have emailed a solicitor but here is a part of the will I don’t understand,
                      this is the only part I’ve been mentioned as a Trustee.

                      MY TRUSTEES shal stand possessed of such investments and of all parts of my estate for the time being unsold and any ready money (hereinafter call me “my residuary estate”)and the annual income thereof upon the following trust:

                      (i) In trust of my said two sons Uncle 1 and Uncle 2 and my grandson Gaz1982 in equal shares or the surviver of them absolutely

                      Can anyone make sense of that ?


                      • #12
                        Sorry that should say Baz1982


                        • #13
                          You are not a trustee but a beneficiary of the trust.
                          Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

                          Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


                          • #14
                            I’m still not sure what that means and what I might be entitled to, I’ll just wait for a reply from the solicitor


                            • #15
                              Have you done what I suggested in post #5? Has Probate already been granted using another Will?
                              All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


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