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Siblings selling inherited house

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  • VeryStressed
    started a topic Siblings selling inherited house

    Siblings selling inherited house

    My sister, myself and my son each inherited equal shares in my late mum's house. My sister moved in to look after the house the day my mum died (she has her own house with her partner). She is very emotionally attached to the house. She is thinking of buying me and my son's portions of the house. However she is dragging her heels and keeps telling me it's not a decision to rush over.

    Her finances are not good and I doubt she could actually buy us out.

    I don't know what to do. I will be applying for probate soon and want this sorted as soon as probate comes through. Can I force her to sell if she can't afford to buy us out?
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  • VeryStressed
    Thank you. I hope it doesn't come to that. We are both executors of mum's will

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  • atticus
    Yes. If nothing else, you can apply to court for an order for sale under the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996.

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