My late mother’s Estate is managed by a firm of solicitors who have been appointed as the Executors. There are three beneficiaries to the estate (a,b&c), A company owned by the wife of beneficiary has invoiced the Executors for administration services (arranging cleaning and house contents clearance of the property). There was no agreement or terms of contract agreed by the Executor for this work to be undertaken, indeed they were totally unaware this was taking place. Beneficiaries b&c were also oblivious to this and have advised the Executor the invoice should not be charged to the Estate, they view it as a private matter between beneficiary a and his wife. The Executors advise they will retain the invoiced monies until an agreement between all beneficiaries is reached.
Is the Executor correct in this regard as they gave no approval to this work in the first place?
Is the Executor correct in this regard as they gave no approval to this work in the first place?