My brother has been named as an executor of my mother's will. She has died but my brother is reluctant to do anything or divulge any information. I am one of the 3 beneficiaries but he wont tell me what is going on with the will. I think it is because he lives at home and doesn't want to move out. I estimate the estate to be around £425000 which is mainly the value of the house. Any ideas as to what I can do as I don't have the funds to engage a solicitor.
Lethargic Executer
You do not give a time scale as the when your mother died? However, if it is some time ago. then an application could be made to the Probate office to change the executor.
Do be careful with this as it could cause family upsets that would be better left alone, but beneficiaries do have rights and an executor has a legal responsibility to act as instructed.
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Talk to a solicitor. Explain your own financial position. You may well find that he is ready to act in the expectation of being paid from the estate. He might not, of course.
The executor has a duty to either act or stand back and let someobody else do it. Timescales are important - a court may be more forgiving than you.
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