My elderly relative was unable to care for himself so a local home care company was engaged to care for him twice a day, each visit being for half an hour.
The company was paid in advance over £700 this was to provide help for 21days and a contract for this care was signed.
Nine days later he worsened and was taken into Hospital, the care company being immediately informed.
He was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away a week or so later. Again the care company were informed within 24 hours of his passing.
Either during this phone call or one a couple of days later, a refund was requested and the manager said they would look into it.
Nothing more was heard so a follow up email was sent and their reply said under the terms of the contract, no refund would be made, referring to section 1.3 of the terms & conditions, that I attach a copy off.
A formal complaint was made pointing out the contract was not clear noting the absence of a period in the section and that the terms were considered unfair to justify withholding over £400 of unused service charges.
The reply also said it was their final word on the matter.
After studying the contract we felt/realised that clause 1.3 of the T&C's did not, in our opinion, apply because he had only had 9 days of service and therefore we felt that section 1.1 applied as he was in his first month of care that they refer too as "an assessment period.
We emailed them again pointing this out. They replied that irrespective they had kept his "slot" open in case he returned home and needed care and if none was available he would not be able to come home and therefore it had to be paid for. They were not asked and we were not given the option to keep his slot open.
The NHS website says that they will provide up to 2 weeks free care at home that could be extended to 6 weeks if necessary, once someone is considered suitable to return home. So we feel they had no obligation to keep the slot open and should have asked if we wanted them to do so.
While in Hospital this man was stolen from (money & belongings), I now feel he is being stolen from again.
The contract makes no mention of what happens if a client passes away.
I have tried to keep emotions out of the situation and feel this is unfair, opinions please.