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Getting my fathers solicitors to release his Will

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  • Getting my fathers solicitors to release his Will

    Dad. died in January. He left a will which made mum sole executor and sole beneficiary. The assets are simply the balance in a current account.
    Mum has advanced dementia and does not have capacity. I have eventually found a doctor who was willing to sign for PA14. (her GPs practice had a policy of not signing these forms!).
    I now need to apply to Probate to be a replacement executor but need the original will. I only had a photo copy. I contacted the firm that holds the original but then (before I got form PA14 signed), they refused to let me have his original will. This seemed unduly obstructive, given I am not a beneficiary and just want to get dads affairs in order.
    Now I have this form should they release the will to me so I can proceed ? its all a bit odd and chicken and egg
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  • #2
    Condolences on the passing of your father.

    Has the bank holding your father's account requested sight of a grant of probate?
    If the estate's sole asset is the balance in the bank account, probate may not be required.
    If it was a joint account with your mother the balance is automatically hers
    If it was solely your father's account the bank may well release the balance to your mother without sight of a grant of probate


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