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Inheritance questions

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  • Inheritance questions

    Hi there my nan passed away recently she had alot of assets that I believe will be left to my mum and her 2 sibling but my mum is terminally ill.
    so my question will be if my mum was to pass away before probate without writing a will herself would her share automatically pass down to her children or would it go between her 2 remaining siblings
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  • #2
    The time set is not Probate, but date of death. As your Nan has passed already, her Will will stand as it is. However, any Will can be changed by a Deed of Variation if this is done within 2 years of death and the beneficiaries that may be affected are in agreement.

    If your Mum has not made a Will, she should do so if she is able to. Unfortunately so many problems are caused by Wills not being written and assets passed down according to intestate rules.


    • #3
      Thank you we don't get on with the other family members In the will but if my mum was to pass away without a will herself before the will is shared out what would happen to her share


      • #4
        Her share of her mother's estate will, if she herself passes away before receipt of her share, be passed to the administrator of her estate to be dealt with under the intestacy rules


        • #5
          The law of intestacy is that if there is no surviving partner, the children of a person who has died without leaving a will inherit the whole estate. This applies however much the estate is worth. If there are two or more children, the estate will be divided equally between them.


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