My parents had mirror wills and a Family Trust drawn up in 2009.
Their house was transfered into joint names (having previously been only in my Father's name) and registered at the land registry with this wording under title absolute
RESTRICTION: No disposition by a sole proprietor of the registered estate (except a trust corporation) under which capital money arises is to be registered unless authorised by an order of the court.
There have been no amendments since.
Both parents have since passed away. Father 6 years ago and then mother 2 months ago.
Their mirror wills appoint myself and my sister as executors being the eldest two of four siblings.
The Family trust has four trustees my father, my mother, myself and my sister. Only myself and my sister are surviving (of the trustees) and we along with two other siblings make up the four beneficiaries.
I have contacted several probate solicitors to find out if we need to apply for probate or not. Some say yes, two say yes twice, one grant for mother's share of the house and one for father's share, and one said no probate is needed as the property is now in Trust already with we two as named trustees and so we can do what we want with it.
I should add that nothing else calls for probate (there was a current account under the threshold for probate and that's it).
I don't know who to believe or what to do next.
Perhaps asking a probate solicitor if you need probate is a bit like asking a barber if you need a haircut.
Can anyone help?
My parents had mirror wills and a Family Trust drawn up in 2009.
Their house was transfered into joint names (having previously been only in my Father's name) and registered at the land registry with this wording under title absolute
RESTRICTION: No disposition by a sole proprietor of the registered estate (except a trust corporation) under which capital money arises is to be registered unless authorised by an order of the court.
There have been no amendments since.
Both parents have since passed away. Father 6 years ago and then mother 2 months ago.
Their mirror wills appoint myself and my sister as executors being the eldest two of four siblings.
The Family trust has four trustees my father, my mother, myself and my sister. Only myself and my sister are surviving (of the trustees) and we along with two other siblings make up the four beneficiaries.
I have contacted several probate solicitors to find out if we need to apply for probate or not. Some say yes, two say yes twice, one grant for mother's share of the house and one for father's share, and one said no probate is needed as the property is now in Trust already with we two as named trustees and so we can do what we want with it.
I should add that nothing else calls for probate (there was a current account under the threshold for probate and that's it).
I don't know who to believe or what to do next.
Perhaps asking a probate solicitor if you need probate is a bit like asking a barber if you need a haircut.
Can anyone help?