Attorney holds cpoa from 2011.
adult dies Oct 2019.
attorney has no receipts for her time in office for anything.
over £10k moved from adults account to attorneys own personal account by the attorney.
banks advise attorney may say this was a gift by incapacitated adult to her.
Realise attorney had full control, but is moving funds from incapacitated adult account to attorney personal account permitted?
advice very much appreciated.
is there a fixed amount on gifts an incapacitated adult in Scotland can authorise?
any help greatly apprentice.
adult dies Oct 2019.
attorney has no receipts for her time in office for anything.
over £10k moved from adults account to attorneys own personal account by the attorney.
banks advise attorney may say this was a gift by incapacitated adult to her.
Realise attorney had full control, but is moving funds from incapacitated adult account to attorney personal account permitted?
advice very much appreciated.
is there a fixed amount on gifts an incapacitated adult in Scotland can authorise?
any help greatly apprentice.