Originally posted by Amethyst
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Yeah, she honestly thought she would get away with it. I've been too mentally unwell as I was the one looking after my parents until I literally was just days away from a 2nd mental breakdown. She never imagined I would ever be well enough to find out what she has done, she also never imagined I would confront her and and was quite open with me about the Wills being changed - I even saw one of them before she changed it as she stated an amount and I said that the one I was reading had a different amount so she said, "Oh, I'll have to change that" then she was open about the other things she'd changed on them. There was a £15k difference between what the house was valued at and what was bequeathed and she was going to just keep that plus anything else if the house sold for more.
The Police said the handwriting experts needed 20 examples of Dad's signature to prove it was forged, but as she has literally taken everything out of storage and is keeping it at her house there's very little chance of getting 20 samples. Plus she traced the signature through the page so she didn't do it freehand.
I have no doubt that she will be able to persuade her friends to perjure themselves on the affadavit, so I have little hope there.
She has utilised the divide & conquer method to make sure nobody in the family were talking to each other. My parents' deaths were 2 weeks apart and we were all devastated. While we grieved, she put things in place to make sure she profited. She has been described as a Malignant Narcissist. The family have come back together without her and have been sharing information, which is why all of her misdeeds are showing up.
I know we probably won't be able to get anything from the estate after she has destroyed it, but if we can prevent her from doing this to other families and brought to account for her deeds, then it will have been worth it.
Thank you for looking into this, I know it's a complicated situation and will take a great deal of work to unravel her lies.
Queen Geek