Q1 It is acceptable that in UK Law, that the sole beneficiaries of an Intestate Estate ( X ) held by BVD being two half sisters, of which ( A ) has died leaving one deceased daughter ( A1 ) and one ( A2 ) living siblings... and her sister ( B ) now over 90 in a care home with one deceased and one ( B1 ) surviving sibling ( acting as her attorney due to her age and health ),.... being given to ( A's ) deceased daughters husband ( A3 ) via a ( GCC ) Genealogy Chaser Company claiming 20% fee plus admin and other disbursements plus VAT for the privilege, whilst ( A1 B1 ) who decided not to use the Genealogy Chaser but seek claiming independently have been left unrepresented and not a claimant by the BVD !?
Q2 Does the A3 husband ( by marriage only to the direct line ) have a valid claim on the deceased daughters belated inheritance share of the ( X ) BVD Intestate Estate ?
Q3 If the GCC acting ONLY on behalf of ( husband A3 ) but NOT acting on behalf of siblings ( A2 B1 ), are they duty bound to distribute the Intestate Estate to the Direct family members ( A2 B1 ) ?
Q4 As neither Direct family members ( A2 B1 ) have accepted the GCC terms / conditions to act as their Claimant to the BVD, are they liable to pay any fees the GCC may claim when they distribute the Intestate Estate ?
Q5 Should the CCG fees be limited towards the ( husband A3 ) share, assuming his BVD claim via CCG is valid ?
Q6 If the ( husbands A3 ) claim is not deemed valid through marriage, then can the CCG seek any fee payment from the unrepresented direct line family members when the Intestate Estate is distributed ?
Q7 If Q6 is not deemed a valid claim then would the Intestate Estate still be the responsibility of the GCC to distribute but would any incurred fee be valid as they were not employed by the direct line family members ?
Q1 It is acceptable that in UK Law, that the sole beneficiaries of an Intestate Estate ( X ) held by BVD being two half sisters, of which ( A ) has died leaving one deceased daughter ( A1 ) and one ( A2 ) living siblings... and her sister ( B ) now over 90 in a care home with one deceased and one ( B1 ) surviving sibling ( acting as her attorney due to her age and health ),.... being given to ( A's ) deceased daughters husband ( A3 ) via a ( GCC ) Genealogy Chaser Company claiming 20% fee plus admin and other disbursements plus VAT for the privilege, whilst ( A1 B1 ) who decided not to use the Genealogy Chaser but seek claiming independently have been left unrepresented and not a claimant by the BVD !?
Q2 Does the A3 husband ( by marriage only to the direct line ) have a valid claim on the deceased daughters belated inheritance share of the ( X ) BVD Intestate Estate ?
Q3 If the GCC acting ONLY on behalf of ( husband A3 ) but NOT acting on behalf of siblings ( A2 B1 ), are they duty bound to distribute the Intestate Estate to the Direct family members ( A2 B1 ) ?
Q4 As neither Direct family members ( A2 B1 ) have accepted the GCC terms / conditions to act as their Claimant to the BVD, are they liable to pay any fees the GCC may claim when they distribute the Intestate Estate ?
Q5 Should the CCG fees be limited towards the ( husband A3 ) share, assuming his BVD claim via CCG is valid ?
Q6 If the ( husbands A3 ) claim is not deemed valid through marriage, then can the CCG seek any fee payment from the unrepresented direct line family members when the Intestate Estate is distributed ?
Q7 If Q6 is not deemed a valid claim then would the Intestate Estate still be the responsibility of the GCC to distribute but would any incurred fee be valid as they were not employed by the direct line family members ?