Both AndyAndroid and I have posted regarding the lack of 'compliance' of the Ombudsman Service, this organisation published their Terms of Reference on their own website and go on to publish recommendations by The Chartered Institute of Trading Standards.
I would be most interested in hearing from any 'end user' that has had occasion to complain firstly to their supplier and secondly to the Ombudsman Service and what the outcome of their complaint was. The level of compensation/award offered by the supplier, regardless of 'award' seems to be limited to the original offer by the supplier, notwithstanding to remit of the Ombudsman Service, for this reason both AndyAndroid and myself are of the opinion that the Ombudsman Service are 'passing off' a service that in reality does not exist.
The only way any regulator can 'regulate' is by knowing how the industries are treating 'customer complaints' and how the complaints have subsequently been resolved by the Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR), in this case the Ombudsman Service. Try as I might I can find no entry on any 'forum' that expresses satisfaction in the way/manner in which the Ombudsman Service has firstly handled the complaint and secondly made an award higher than that originally proposed by the supplier, what I do find, according to complainants, is a total expression of apathy by the Ombudsman Service both in regard to the nature of the complaint and reference to their own guiding principles as suggested by the Terms of Reference which are intended to indicate transparency, openness and fairness has taken place.
The final point is the similarity of complaints which suggests that the industries are not aware of the extent or nature of complaints as many complaints are similar in nature, surely this denies that fact that the ADR is reporting back to the various industries in an adequate manner which is allowing problems to continue rather than be 'corrected', your views as consumers would be appreciated.
I would be most interested in hearing from any 'end user' that has had occasion to complain firstly to their supplier and secondly to the Ombudsman Service and what the outcome of their complaint was. The level of compensation/award offered by the supplier, regardless of 'award' seems to be limited to the original offer by the supplier, notwithstanding to remit of the Ombudsman Service, for this reason both AndyAndroid and myself are of the opinion that the Ombudsman Service are 'passing off' a service that in reality does not exist.
The only way any regulator can 'regulate' is by knowing how the industries are treating 'customer complaints' and how the complaints have subsequently been resolved by the Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR), in this case the Ombudsman Service. Try as I might I can find no entry on any 'forum' that expresses satisfaction in the way/manner in which the Ombudsman Service has firstly handled the complaint and secondly made an award higher than that originally proposed by the supplier, what I do find, according to complainants, is a total expression of apathy by the Ombudsman Service both in regard to the nature of the complaint and reference to their own guiding principles as suggested by the Terms of Reference which are intended to indicate transparency, openness and fairness has taken place.
The final point is the similarity of complaints which suggests that the industries are not aware of the extent or nature of complaints as many complaints are similar in nature, surely this denies that fact that the ADR is reporting back to the various industries in an adequate manner which is allowing problems to continue rather than be 'corrected', your views as consumers would be appreciated.