Hello all, So angry at SP.
Left house March 2014 - and emailed my partner and Scottish power saying im leaving and to cancel account in my name and transfer to ex - nothing was ever done despite chasing and chasing,.
recently - had confimation and just found out they took £119 quid and now am over drawn,
please see emails below : anything bank can do -
i had also copied in the CEO
Hello Mark,
I have just checked my online banking and would like to know why £119.33 has been taken from my bank account on the 15th July 2015
Banking reference : Scottishpower80511294013
I am extremely angry at this and would like the monet refunded. And I am still awaiting my refund if £100 as below.
As stated below I AM NOT LIABLE for any money owing, as the account should be closed in my name and transferred to my ex partner who was living at the address at the time.
How is this DD taken ? as I have deleted all DD info on my bank account.
Please investigate this with a matter of urgency as i am now overdrawn to this and can be proven
Kind Regards
Sent: 29 June 2015 15:04
To: ****@******
Subject: Complaint Number: 8003608377
Dear Mr. ******
Complaint Number: 8003608377
Following your email this morning I processed an application to get a £12.43 goodwill payment added to your account which will raised your outstanding credit to £100. I expect this will be applied in next 3 days.
Once this has been done I shall process your refund of £100 to be sent to you by cheque. I will send you an email to confirm when this has been done. I have updated your forwarding address to account ****address was here**** Your cheque will be sent there. It normally takes a 14 work days for a cheque to be processed and delivered.
I also confirm that the outstanding charges are now sent to Mrs ******** who was liable for the energy charges after you left the property.
I have closed the complaint as resolved as I believe that the amendments I have made are appropriate. Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me, you can reach me on 0800 040 7005 to arrange a suitable call back.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Sloan
Customer Care Representative
Left house March 2014 - and emailed my partner and Scottish power saying im leaving and to cancel account in my name and transfer to ex - nothing was ever done despite chasing and chasing,.
recently - had confimation and just found out they took £119 quid and now am over drawn,
please see emails below : anything bank can do -
i had also copied in the CEO
Hello Mark,
I have just checked my online banking and would like to know why £119.33 has been taken from my bank account on the 15th July 2015
Banking reference : Scottishpower80511294013
I am extremely angry at this and would like the monet refunded. And I am still awaiting my refund if £100 as below.
As stated below I AM NOT LIABLE for any money owing, as the account should be closed in my name and transferred to my ex partner who was living at the address at the time.
How is this DD taken ? as I have deleted all DD info on my bank account.
Please investigate this with a matter of urgency as i am now overdrawn to this and can be proven
Kind Regards
Sent: 29 June 2015 15:04
To: ****@******
Subject: Complaint Number: 8003608377
Dear Mr. ******
Complaint Number: 8003608377
Following your email this morning I processed an application to get a £12.43 goodwill payment added to your account which will raised your outstanding credit to £100. I expect this will be applied in next 3 days.
Once this has been done I shall process your refund of £100 to be sent to you by cheque. I will send you an email to confirm when this has been done. I have updated your forwarding address to account ****address was here**** Your cheque will be sent there. It normally takes a 14 work days for a cheque to be processed and delivered.
I also confirm that the outstanding charges are now sent to Mrs ******** who was liable for the energy charges after you left the property.
I have closed the complaint as resolved as I believe that the amendments I have made are appropriate. Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me, you can reach me on 0800 040 7005 to arrange a suitable call back.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Sloan
Customer Care Representative