Recieved a letter from council today.
I have been summoned to appear befor City magistrates court **septemper 2013.
Council tax outstanding:56 pounds.
Plus costs ofsummons:28 pounds.
If the outstanding amount + cost of summons is paid befor court date all proceedings will be stopped,bla,bla,otherwise costs will follow.
This is first letter i have recieved about my council tax,no warnings,nothing.Straight to magistrates like a crimminal.
But if pay up + costs its all forgot about,bloody fuming arrrggg. I am not paying the costs,no way,canyou give me advice on next step to take.
I have been summoned to appear befor City magistrates court **septemper 2013.
Council tax outstanding:56 pounds.
Plus costs ofsummons:28 pounds.
If the outstanding amount + cost of summons is paid befor court date all proceedings will be stopped,bla,bla,otherwise costs will follow.
This is first letter i have recieved about my council tax,no warnings,nothing.Straight to magistrates like a crimminal.
But if pay up + costs its all forgot about,bloody fuming arrrggg. I am not paying the costs,no way,canyou give me advice on next step to take.