I've lived in a council flat for 4 years and have never used gas during this time although I have a gas meter. I received a letter from a bailiff acting on behalf of EDF yesterday stating I owed £152.23 for gas. When I rang them to query I was told this was for a years worth of a daily standing charge for having a gas meter even though they can see I have never used any gas in this time. I'm on a pre paid meter for my electric with them and have never registered my name or details with them. They some how have all my details and have advised me that even though I have never signed any contract or had any arrangements with them that I was liable for these charges.
After complaining to them they have offered me a £50 credit towards the arrears.
I have never received a bill from them regarding any arrears and they are only asking for a years worth of standing charges even though I have lived her for 4 years are they allowed to do this? Am I liable for these payments? What can I do to get them removed? Please help
After complaining to them they have offered me a £50 credit towards the arrears.
I have never received a bill from them regarding any arrears and they are only asking for a years worth of standing charges even though I have lived her for 4 years are they allowed to do this? Am I liable for these payments? What can I do to get them removed? Please help