Won't bore you with the details but BG somehow managed to think I hadn't got a DD so set up a new one, which they then swiped out of my account despite me warning them not to as I'd already got DDs for both gas and elec which go out on the 1st of each month. I got the money back under the dd imdemnity. Then BG said I was in credit, then I wasn't, then they are refunding me, now I'm in debit, so they aren't, blah blah blah.
Prior to this I've always been very happy with BG, never had any major problems, and the ones I did have got sorted out very quickly and easily.
Just for your amusement, I've copied a few bits from my emails to them below. Feel free to plagiarise if the need arises.:santa_wink:
"I have so far received what an only be termed a small rainforest's worth of totally incorrect letters from yourselves which to be perfectly honest make rather a joke of British Gas's Green policy although no doubt help with my own reycling efforts. Add to this the countless time I have spent on the telephone to yourselves, and whilst your staff are on the whole very pleasant (if somewhat inefficient) it is also fair to say that I have far better things I could be doing than going over the same thing with half the population of your callcentres on what seems to be turning into a daily basis."
"I do hope that this is indeed an isolated incident, although given the number of issues perhaps the plural, incidents, should be applied. At this moment in time I see no reason to escalate further, if only because the thought of starting the New Year with more letters and timewasting phonecalls to BG callcentres fills me with dread and quite frankly makes me lose the will to live........not to mention all the rainforests I'll be saving if I'm no longer in receipt of any pointless letters relating in no way whatsoever to anything resembling a sensible answer ......notwithstanding it's taken 2 weeks to get to this point, who can tell how long it would take to reach any further conclusions?"
Let's see what happens now they've allegedly put it right........
Prior to this I've always been very happy with BG, never had any major problems, and the ones I did have got sorted out very quickly and easily.
Just for your amusement, I've copied a few bits from my emails to them below. Feel free to plagiarise if the need arises.:santa_wink:
"I have so far received what an only be termed a small rainforest's worth of totally incorrect letters from yourselves which to be perfectly honest make rather a joke of British Gas's Green policy although no doubt help with my own reycling efforts. Add to this the countless time I have spent on the telephone to yourselves, and whilst your staff are on the whole very pleasant (if somewhat inefficient) it is also fair to say that I have far better things I could be doing than going over the same thing with half the population of your callcentres on what seems to be turning into a daily basis."
"I do hope that this is indeed an isolated incident, although given the number of issues perhaps the plural, incidents, should be applied. At this moment in time I see no reason to escalate further, if only because the thought of starting the New Year with more letters and timewasting phonecalls to BG callcentres fills me with dread and quite frankly makes me lose the will to live........not to mention all the rainforests I'll be saving if I'm no longer in receipt of any pointless letters relating in no way whatsoever to anything resembling a sensible answer ......notwithstanding it's taken 2 weeks to get to this point, who can tell how long it would take to reach any further conclusions?"
Let's see what happens now they've allegedly put it right........