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British Gas overcharge for Electricity

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  • British Gas overcharge for Electricity

    Looking for suggestions.

    Having fun with my ex supplier British Gas for an overcharge because of a defective meter.

    Monthly DD was about £130 then all of a sudden I was being asked for £240, lots of arguments with them so paid balance and moved to M & S Energy. DD then back to £120, based on consumption in 2017. Then a request to increase to £140 because they had just had the latest figures from British Gas.

    Pulled together all the consumption figures since 2016 and plotting the graph shows a steady, and decreasing, consumption of about 11 kWh per day until early in 2018 when the recorded consumption was all over the place, at times 3 times the previous average.

    The meter was changed because I was having trouble reading it because the digits were slowly disappearing. Got a new Smart meter that actually worked ! (That's another BG horror story!) Discussed with M&S the increasing charge they were going to impose and suggested they look at the graph I had plotted and sent to them with the email. Long pause and then a "I see what you mean" and looked at 4 days worth of readings with the new meter and agreed there was a fault with the old one and I had been seriously overcharged. £150 credited to my account. New readings after a month are averaging about 10.5 kWh per day, similar to, and better than, the results from 2016/2017.

    Letter to British Gas giving them the same figures and graph that I had given to M&S and suggesting that there had been an overcharge of about £360 - £400 during 2018 and there response was basically "Tough, you should have told us about the faulty meter".

    So any suggestions on how to proceed? Silence from the "Customer Manager - Executive office" when I objected to them closing the complaint. I'm thinking along the lines of one more try with the Executive office" and then a letter before claim and then small claims court

    Here's the figures I used, any comments? Last figures are way off as the meter couldn't be read on exchange and the figure actually used for billing reflected the adjustment to allow for overcharging.

    consumtion 190401.pdf

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  • #2
    Ofgem :https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/consumers/h...ll-or-supplier
    Ombudsman :https://www.ombudsman-services.org/sectors/energy


    • #3
      I've not been impressed with Ofgem on another complaint. Their attitude seemed to be "why are you bothering us"


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