My father bought his house from a farmer in 1994.* The house is about 200yrs old and has a soakaway that is about 100-150m away in a field - that was, of course, the farmers at the time.* *The field was sold on farmers' passing.* The current owner was informed of the location of the soakaway, but year on year has continued to plough/farm over it.* The previous farmer had left this area untouched because of* the soakaway. My father had put posts in the area to mark it out to deter them but they just kept taking them out and continuing.*
It looks like now the tank has been completely crushed as there is a pool of green sludge with algae on it at the edge of the field where the tractor has left tracks.* There is also water coming out the ground halfway up the piping system.*
I am unsure of the liability now of the situation, as we have no funds available to fix this.* And had it been left untouched as the previous farmer had there would have been no issue. I know that the law did change recently, though what I found related to the installation of new systems and not to older ones.**
Has anyone got any experience on this?**
We have tried to figure out where else on our land would be suitable for a soakaway, but the location it is on, and the course the pipes take were the ones with a fall away from the property, anything else is uphill so I guess at the time was unsuitable.* Though now that we have heavy machinery that isn't such an issue. It would just be lack fo access.*
It looks like now the tank has been completely crushed as there is a pool of green sludge with algae on it at the edge of the field where the tractor has left tracks.* There is also water coming out the ground halfway up the piping system.*
I am unsure of the liability now of the situation, as we have no funds available to fix this.* And had it been left untouched as the previous farmer had there would have been no issue. I know that the law did change recently, though what I found related to the installation of new systems and not to older ones.**
Has anyone got any experience on this?**
We have tried to figure out where else on our land would be suitable for a soakaway, but the location it is on, and the course the pipes take were the ones with a fall away from the property, anything else is uphill so I guess at the time was unsuitable.* Though now that we have heavy machinery that isn't such an issue. It would just be lack fo access.*