Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware
Metro Bank Phishing Scam
New sign-in from Safari on iPAD.
Didn't get a new device? Someone may have your password. Click here to review and secure your devices that have access to your Metro Bank account.
Based on your Metro Bank account activity, we recommend using this opportunity to stay organised, collaborate, and keep your account secure.
and more filler but is the usual phishing scam and is from which is actually a Church in America that has nothing to do with the scams sent using its email address.
Metro Bank Phishing Scam
New sign-in from Safari on iPAD.
Didn't get a new device? Someone may have your password. Click here to review and secure your devices that have access to your Metro Bank account.
Based on your Metro Bank account activity, we recommend using this opportunity to stay organised, collaborate, and keep your account secure.
and more filler but is the usual phishing scam and is from which is actually a Church in America that has nothing to do with the scams sent using its email address.