Had a few of these lately in my Junk box over last few months so thought I'd best post them up in case anyone does search to try find out if they are legitimate, they aren't, and do not worry ! Good idea to go change passwords on anything that might use the quoted password with your email address though as it'll be on some hit list for scammers. It will have been picked up from some data breach / hack or other - eg. like one of the utility companies, british airways etc that were hacked last year - hopefully anyone subject to any of those breaches already changed their passwords anyway so the lists are useless other than for stupid emails like these.
Most annoying bit is he thinks I have a dick and only 13 friends … lol ….. anyway excuse the language...
First email
Second Email
Most annoying bit is he thinks I have a dick and only 13 friends … lol ….. anyway excuse the language...
First email
i am aware XXXXXXXX İs your pass words. Lets get right to thē pũrposē. Nŏne has paid me tŏ check yoũ. Yoũ don't know me and you are mŏst likēly wŏndēring why yŏu are getting this e-mail?
İ plàcēd a malware on the xxx videŏs (pŏrno) websitē and you know what, you vİsİted thİs website to havē fũn (yŏu knŏw what i mean). While you were viewing videŏ clips, yŏur web browser started ŏpērating às a RDP with a keylogger which provİded me àccessİbilİty tŏ your screen ànd also webcam. Right after that, my software program obtained all your contàcts from your Mēssengēr, sŏciàl nētworks, and e-mail . àfter that i created a double-screēn vidēo. 1st pàrt displays thē video you were wàtchİng (yoũ have a fine tastē hēhe), and second part shŏws the recording of your càm, and it is you.
Yoũ got a pair of choicēs. We arē going to rēad thēse pŏssibilİties in aspects:
Fİrst option is to just ignorē thİs mēssàgē. in thİs casē, i am goİng to send ŏut your video to all yoũr yoũr cŏntacts and also you can eàsily imagine concerning the awkwardness yoũ can gēt. ànd defİnitely if you happēn to bē İn an affair, hŏw it will certainly àffect?
Latter optiŏn would be to pay me $1828. i will refer to it as à donation. in thİs instànce, İ most certainly will quickly discard your vidēo rēcŏrdİng. Yŏu will gŏ fŏrwàrd yŏur lİfe like this never happened and you wİll not ever hear back agaİn frŏm me.
You'll make the paymēnt through Bitcoİn (if you dŏ not know thİs, search for 'hŏw to buy bitcŏin' in Googlē).
BTC àddress to send to:
[case SeNSiTiVē so copy and paste İt]
if yoũ mày be curious aboũt gŏing tŏ the law, okay, this emaİl message cannot be tràced bàck to mē. i have taken carē of my mŏves. i am not lŏoking to demànd very mũch, i just wànt to be paid. İ've à specifİc pixel within this mail, and now i know that you have read this mail. Yŏu hàve ŏnē day to pay. if i do nŏt rēcēİve thē BİtCoİns, i will send ŏut your video tŏ all of yoũr contacts including famİly mēmbērs, cŏlleaguēs, ànd màny others. Howēver, if i receive the payment, i will erase thē vİdeo right away. İf you want ēvidēncē, reply Yēs and i wİll certainly send out your vİdeo recording to your 13 friēnds. Thİs İs a non-negotİablē offer and so pleasē don't wastē mine timē & yours by rēplyİng to this e màil.
İ plàcēd a malware on the xxx videŏs (pŏrno) websitē and you know what, you vİsİted thİs website to havē fũn (yŏu knŏw what i mean). While you were viewing videŏ clips, yŏur web browser started ŏpērating às a RDP with a keylogger which provİded me àccessİbilİty tŏ your screen ànd also webcam. Right after that, my software program obtained all your contàcts from your Mēssengēr, sŏciàl nētworks, and e-mail . àfter that i created a double-screēn vidēo. 1st pàrt displays thē video you were wàtchİng (yoũ have a fine tastē hēhe), and second part shŏws the recording of your càm, and it is you.
Yoũ got a pair of choicēs. We arē going to rēad thēse pŏssibilİties in aspects:
Fİrst option is to just ignorē thİs mēssàgē. in thİs casē, i am goİng to send ŏut your video to all yoũr yoũr cŏntacts and also you can eàsily imagine concerning the awkwardness yoũ can gēt. ànd defİnitely if you happēn to bē İn an affair, hŏw it will certainly àffect?
Latter optiŏn would be to pay me $1828. i will refer to it as à donation. in thİs instànce, İ most certainly will quickly discard your vidēo rēcŏrdİng. Yŏu will gŏ fŏrwàrd yŏur lİfe like this never happened and you wİll not ever hear back agaİn frŏm me.
You'll make the paymēnt through Bitcoİn (if you dŏ not know thİs, search for 'hŏw to buy bitcŏin' in Googlē).
BTC àddress to send to:
[case SeNSiTiVē so copy and paste İt]
if yoũ mày be curious aboũt gŏing tŏ the law, okay, this emaİl message cannot be tràced bàck to mē. i have taken carē of my mŏves. i am not lŏoking to demànd very mũch, i just wànt to be paid. İ've à specifİc pixel within this mail, and now i know that you have read this mail. Yŏu hàve ŏnē day to pay. if i do nŏt rēcēİve thē BİtCoİns, i will send ŏut your video tŏ all of yoũr contacts including famİly mēmbērs, cŏlleaguēs, ànd màny others. Howēver, if i receive the payment, i will erase thē vİdeo right away. İf you want ēvidēncē, reply Yēs and i wİll certainly send out your vİdeo recording to your 13 friēnds. Thİs İs a non-negotİablē offer and so pleasē don't wastē mine timē & yours by rēplyİng to this e màil.
Second Email
Do you reålly think it wås some kind of joke ōr thåt you can İgnōrę me?
I can sęe what you åre doing.
Stop shōpping and fŭcking aroŭnd, yoŭr time is almōst over. Yeå, I know whåt you werę doing past coŭple ōf days. I havę been ōbserving yōu.
Btw. nice car yōu håvę got there.. I wonder how it will look with pics of your dick and face...
Because yoŭ think you are smarter and can disręgard mę, I åm posting the vidęos I recorded with yōu masturbating tō the porn rİght nōw. I will upload the vİdęos I acquired ålong with some of your dętaİls to thę online forŭm. I åmsure they wİll love to see you İn action, ånd yōŭ will soōn discover what is going tō happen to yoŭ.
If yoŭ do not fund this bitcoin address wİth $1000 withİn next 2 days, I wİll
yōŭr relåtİvęs and evęrybody ōn yōur
lİsts and shōw them your ręcordings.
0.1 bİtcōin (i.e åpprox $1000)
to this Bitcoİn address:
(Cōpy and paste İt)
There åre many plåces yoŭ cån buy bitcoİn like Bİtstamp, Coinbase, Krakęnętc. Registęr, vålidåte yōur accoŭnt.
If yoŭ wånt to save yoŭrself - better act fåst, bęcåuse rİght now yōu åre fŭcked. We will not leave yōu alonę, and thęrę arę many people ōn the groups that will make yōŭr life feęl really bad.