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Using 'free' legal service provided by union vs Private

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  • Using 'free' legal service provided by union vs Private

    My experience of the union legal service is they are quite simple there to minimise the losses for the company as opposed to get you there best outcome.

    Years ago I was dismissed. Union backed me until it came to paying for a tribunal. Got their lawyer to fob me off saying they can't support me, I'd never win. The first private solicitor I saw said this is worth £10k. I got £10k on day 2 as settlement for unfair dismissal. Paid him 33%. Turns out during my grievance hearing, they actually admitted they 'popped out' to gather more evidence against me in their kangaroo court. In hindsight should never have settled and went to day 3.

    So my experience is that private is a better service, but you lose 1/3.

    Any opinions?
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  • #2
    My own experience was constructive dismissal. Union legal team where only of real use when it came to checking the non disclosure terms. Little or no help at tribunal. Found out too late about the pro bono representative i could have had - was completely worn down by the whole process by that time and the additional adverse impact on my health.

    I would use the union, but plan b would be seek out pro bono legal representative from the off to make sure i had access the to best support possible. Union's legal team were not really interested in supporting all the way as not a group action, there gave the impression of lack of resources and time, They appeared to be bending over backwards to be conciliatory to my former employers

    Im still in a union - a different one now, (habit, and just in case).

    Would i go private?
    if i could afford it,
    if the rep was competent and knew their stuff then guess wouldn't mind too much handing over 1/3

    Personally - Its not always only about financial compensation, It can be about seeing justice done/an apology, an acknowledgement that someone behaved badly/ something went wrong or there is a failure in an employers systems (duty of care) etc.


    • #3
      Some years ago, my wife was in a constructive dismissal claim.
      Us 2 versus one of the largest employment solicitor firms in the country.
      Settled out of court (actually during the ET hearing).
      In retrospect, given the hours & hours & hours of research, paperwork etc etc that we endured, £3k ish (for decent representation) seems reasonable.

      This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

      You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
      Cohen, Herb

      There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
      gets his brain a-going.
      Phelps, C. C.

      "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
      The last words of John Sedgwick


      • #4
        Originally posted by Brainmelt View Post

        Personally - Its not always only about financial compensation, It can be about seeing justice done/an apology, an acknowledgement that someone behaved badly/ something went wrong or there is a failure in an employers systems (duty of care) etc.

        This is where I am with the upcoming decision to claim for stress caused by my employers failed grievance procedure. I have another thread on it. It's justice for me. I only care about the money when it comes to the settlement stage.

        I had a claim a few years ago in which I was helped by here. Company offered me £1000, I said no, £2500. The unions solicitor made all kinds of scary threats that I'd lose in court and have to pay all the other sides fee's, and that their advice was to take the money. I settled at £1300, the reason only £1300 was because thats the top bracket valuation I'd signed without fully understanding it. I learned a lesson there as I'm currently having a similar issue with another claim


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