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Used Car Warranty (Purchased on HP)

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  • Used Car Warranty (Purchased on HP)

    I recently purchased a used car on 9th August which came with an "in house" 6 month warranty.

    When picking up the car I was given a standard Warranty leaflet and i filled in a document with my email address/contact details and thought i would receive the warranty information/agreement by email (including a welcome pack)

    After not receiving anything after a few weeks I contacted the dealership by text to ask for a copy of the warranty agreement and received no response - I tried again a week or so later and again received no response.

    a couple of days ago i got a handbrake fault and yesterday the car engine just stopped whislt driving.

    My partner called them and they said that we can just bring the car back for them to look at it - but that there is no documentation for the warranty.

    Ive not experienced this before and whilst I have consumer rights, Im concerned that they will not provide us with any documentation containing the terms of the warranty - including their obligations and my rights under the agreement.

    I have £14k of finance on this car and am concerned that whilst they are currently happy to take the car back to examine it that i have no legal documentation should this turn ugly.

    Do they have any egal obligation to provide the terms of the warranty in writing to me?


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