Sorry I didn't read the original T&Cs compared to the changes. You might want to contact Alfa an say that their final response is inadequate and have instead only chosen to focus on the GDPR element. The letter further suggests that they can "make changes to the finance agreement" but have failed to point out what clause allows them to vary any terms except for the charges set out in clause 3.2. You should give them a short window of like 7 days to respond and in the meantime prepare your FOS complaint.
Quite honestly, the FOS are crap anyway and I would fail to see how Alfa could enforce those terms apart from the charges which would be subject to fairness, when as you say there is no variation.
Quite honestly, the FOS are crap anyway and I would fail to see how Alfa could enforce those terms apart from the charges which would be subject to fairness, when as you say there is no variation.