Dear Mystery1
I've read a lot of your advice on this website so thank you so much for putting your time and helping others.
My husband's got MET PCN about 10 days ago on Sunday for not parked in the marked bay.
it's private sports centre offering free parking, he took our son to the football class for the first time and he said there were no parking bays left so he parked the car in very reasonable place without obstructing others.
when football class finished he noticed about 40 odd cars got PCN stuck on the windscreens.
as per your advice I lodged online appeal last week straight away.
my ground was
1. there's no visible sign displayed that can be seen by average person
2. it was on sunday you can even park on yellow lines
3. parking duration was between 10:39 - 10:39 and PCN was issued on 10:39 so how can you issue PCN on 0 minute parking?
The appeal was rejected and I recieved POPLA today
could you please advise me what to do next?
I have a photographic evidence of all around the car there's no single sign displayed. (before and after PCN)
In the rejection letter they said Elm sports centre if complying with the guidlines of the British Parking Associasion so their signage is in place.
Please help me.
I've read a lot of your advice on this website so thank you so much for putting your time and helping others.
My husband's got MET PCN about 10 days ago on Sunday for not parked in the marked bay.
it's private sports centre offering free parking, he took our son to the football class for the first time and he said there were no parking bays left so he parked the car in very reasonable place without obstructing others.
when football class finished he noticed about 40 odd cars got PCN stuck on the windscreens.
as per your advice I lodged online appeal last week straight away.
my ground was
1. there's no visible sign displayed that can be seen by average person
2. it was on sunday you can even park on yellow lines
3. parking duration was between 10:39 - 10:39 and PCN was issued on 10:39 so how can you issue PCN on 0 minute parking?
The appeal was rejected and I recieved POPLA today
could you please advise me what to do next?
I have a photographic evidence of all around the car there's no single sign displayed. (before and after PCN)
In the rejection letter they said Elm sports centre if complying with the guidlines of the British Parking Associasion so their signage is in place.
Please help me.