I received some great advice some time ago regarding a separate matter but now I've another situation that I must ask for advice with. My mother received a Contractual Parking Charge Notice from G24 Ltd. and due to the advice I was given on site about a separate matter and also after briefly reading up on G24 Ltd. charges/fines earlier I believed I could ignore this. However, after speaking to a very helpful user privately, I was advised that the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 altered things and was advised to post here.
I'd appreciate some advice about this, my mother was particularly worried even though I was telling her to ignore it! I may have to go back on those words but wanted some more opinions before breaking that news to her.
Attached below is a redacted copy of the notice (apologies for page 2 being very large).
I received some great advice some time ago regarding a separate matter but now I've another situation that I must ask for advice with. My mother received a Contractual Parking Charge Notice from G24 Ltd. and due to the advice I was given on site about a separate matter and also after briefly reading up on G24 Ltd. charges/fines earlier I believed I could ignore this. However, after speaking to a very helpful user privately, I was advised that the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 altered things and was advised to post here.
I'd appreciate some advice about this, my mother was particularly worried even though I was telling her to ignore it! I may have to go back on those words but wanted some more opinions before breaking that news to her.
Attached below is a redacted copy of the notice (apologies for page 2 being very large).