Hi, I have just received a County court claim form for a PCN over 4.5yrs ago on a car I no longer own, in a car park that has since changed rules (could even be run by different company now) so can no longer access the original signs etc. it was a ‘pay & display’ where you had to obtain a ticket although the first 2hrs were free. It is now free to park up to 3hrs with no ticket required. It’s a car park I used frequently & always used to obtain tickets, unless I was there for a very short period of time (I was under the impression you could park for 10minutes without acquiring ticket?) so either this was one of those occasions or my ticket wasn’t visible/had fallen off. Either way I never responded to original ‘fines’ or admitted being driver & the last time I heard off them was well over a year ago & now this?! I have none of the original requests or recollection of the ‘offence’, my question is what do I do now? The amount they are seeking £290 is extortionate along with the time scale of over 4.5yrs ago. I have attached the claim form with the POC & realise I have to acknowledge it but would love an expert opinion on what my next steps are please?
many thanks in advance.
many thanks in advance.