Hello all
Hope everyone is well - just wanted some thoughts re my situation.
Parked in a car park went to restaurant in sep 2019
i received a parking charge notice from civil enforcement limited. Clearly shows my car with reg number entering and exiting . Total time was just over an hour
I responded saying I was at the restaurant, I told them my reg plate and they must not have entered it. So I have admitted being the driver (
They replied saying it was too late - I must have missed or not got the original letter.
Ignored all subsequent letters threatening courts action - just sent them back in post
Now received a claim form for Northampton court
Total £190 for their costs
25 court fee
50 legal rep costs
Been asked to admit and pay or defend and counterclaim
Don't know what to do. We are looking to buy a house in the next 6 months and don't want to have a ccj on my name.
I don't have the copies of the letters I sent as I lost my hard drive so I don't have the dates of when i sent them.
Is it easier to just pay and get it done with esp as I admitted being the driver and also not having copies of the letter I sent them
Any advice welcome - it is very stressful.
thank you