Hi there,
I am new to this forum and looking for some help. I received a Peking charge notice from private company Met Parking services. I got fined using the car park at work that I Have bought a permit for (and displayed) and parked in space that is used everyday and still is! I got a ticket as it was deemed 'not an allocated marked space' but the markings along that whole stretch are faded and misleading. They rejected my appeal and then to be honest I completely forgot about it. I've just realised I've gone over the time to appeal to POPLA and my only choice is to now pay it. I know it's a private firm but as I didn't appeal to POPLA what are my choices now?
Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
I am new to this forum and looking for some help. I received a Peking charge notice from private company Met Parking services. I got fined using the car park at work that I Have bought a permit for (and displayed) and parked in space that is used everyday and still is! I got a ticket as it was deemed 'not an allocated marked space' but the markings along that whole stretch are faded and misleading. They rejected my appeal and then to be honest I completely forgot about it. I've just realised I've gone over the time to appeal to POPLA and my only choice is to now pay it. I know it's a private firm but as I didn't appeal to POPLA what are my choices now?
Any help would be appreciated, thank you!