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Premier Park Fine

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  • Premier Park Fine

    Hi, I have read a lot of strings on this subject, and want to be clear on mine before I get all jittery and pay up. This is in relation to a Parking Charge Notice.

    I went on holiday 3 months ago to Ilfracombe and paid in a Premier Park ANPR car park. Came back to the car and drove off. 2 months later I receive a letter stating that parking was unpaid or expired, and a discounted offer to pay up now. I decided that I should appeal to POPLA, which I did. Premier Park responded stating that they have a MINIMUM time to leave of 10 minutes - I overstayed by 24 minutes (why etc, I can't honestly remember). My appeal asked what the maximum was, and I received the response from POPLA that this was

    13.4 You should allow the driver a reasonable period to leave the private car park after the parking contract has ended, before you take enforcement action. If the location is one where parking is normally permitted, the Grace Period at the end of the parking period should be a minimum of 10 minutes. The Appellants vehicle remained on site for 20 minutes after the paid for expiry time, double that which is seen as reasonable. Ultimately, the motorist failed to keep to the conditions of the contract formed. An expired parking session occurred and a Parking Charge Notice was issued. It is the responsibility of the motorist to ensure that they have read and parked in compliance with the terms and conditions. On this occasion, the Appellant did not. We request that the Appellant's appeal be refused.

    I have now received a letter stating that I have to pay the full amount and if I don't then they will contact the Debt recovery service and may commence court action which will include additional charges, including legal and court costs, and may affect my credit rating.

    Do I just pay up and forget about it?
    Last edited by Sundance; 11th October 2017, 14:11:PM. Reason: Repost
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Premier Park Fine



    • #3
      Re: Premier Park Fine

      So you received a notice to keeper some two months after the event. Was there a notice on the windscreen? Has the driver been identified, because if you have then you have shot yourself in the foot.?

      If the NTK is received more than 14 days after the event it means they can't hold the keeper liable, only the driver who they don't know.

      P.S. It's not a fine, it's a speculative invoice for an alleged breach of contract.


      • #4
        Re: Premier Park Fine

        Hi, there was no note or ticket on the car when I returned, only a surprise letter sent 25 days after the event alleging the overstay. I submitted an appeal to POPLA admitting that I had overstayed, (which appears to be a mistake from what you are saying). The terms of the Premier Park state a minimum of 10 minutes, and I overstayed by 24 minutes, which they state is unreasonable. I have read posts to suggest that I am only actually liable for the cost of 24 minutes (£1), as opposed to the £100 that they are stating. After the appeal I have since received a letter stating that if it is not paid by 27th October, that they will submit to court action. What should I do, or have I effectively handed myself in unknowingly?


        • #5
          Re: Premier Park Fine

          Due to the ParkingEye v Beavis case (Supreme Court 2015) it will be very difficult to argue that the £100 is not fair.

          You may have robbed yourself of a technical argument if you have ID'ed the driver at the time of the parking event.

          This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

          You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
          Cohen, Herb

          There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
          gets his brain a-going.
          Phelps, C. C.

          "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
          The last words of John Sedgwick


          • #6
            Re: Premier Park Fine

            It makes it difficult if the driver has been identified otherwise failure to deliver the NTK within 14 days is a failure to comply with POFA and a surefire win at POPLA but.........

            Check all your paperwork to see what was actually said and determine if the driver was identified. They do take people to court so if the driver has been identified then it may be expedient to pay now (much as I hate saying that) to save the hassle and extra costs.
            Post up what you received, the NTK and the POPLA appeal. Might be able to recover something.


            • #7
              Hello, I also have a recieved a parking charge notice from Premier park. I basically waited for my wife while she went into the local shops and got the charge within a couple of weeks. I have contested it but they have disagreed as I didn’t but a ticket. I was totally unaware of this, the signage as you drive in doesn’t state this so unless you get out and go to the machine you wouldn’t know. Also this carpark is used as a cut through for a lot of people so if you were to bump into someone whilst driving through you’d get a ticket. Should I ignore this as they now know that I was the driver??


              • #8
                So could you start this as a separate thread so that the 2 cases don't get intertwined and confused.

                So when you do post up a redacted copy of the Notice to keeper and the signs at the entrance of the car park and photos of the signs. And edit it so that the keeper is not identified.


                • #9
                  Overstay "Parking Charge Notice" - Premier Park Ltd

                  I have also received a Parking Charge Notice for an overstay by "Premier Park Ltd".
                  I paid for 3 hours but stayed 3h 30. I paid £1 for 3 hours and it was my fault for overstaying. The "charge is for £100 (or £60 for early payment).

                  I cant believe a £100 charge for overstaying by~£0.15 worth of parking.
                  I completed premier parking's online form to request information on my charge and they say they will respond withing 35 days.

                  Should I pay, or better to see if this will just blow away...


                  • #10
                    So did you actually read the post immediately above yours. Please act on it.


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