Hi guys I received a PCN from Civil Enforcement LTD for parking on a hospital carpark without a ticket, they are asking for £60 but will increase to £100 if I dont pay within 14 days.
As this was sent to my business address it does not have the drivers name on it as its a pool car registered to the business name, this car is also lent out to customers of our garage so I dont know who was driving at the time of the crime!!! The PCN only shows 2 pictures of the car entering and then leaving the carpark....how do I stand with defending this claim?
As this was sent to my business address it does not have the drivers name on it as its a pool car registered to the business name, this car is also lent out to customers of our garage so I dont know who was driving at the time of the crime!!! The PCN only shows 2 pictures of the car entering and then leaving the carpark....how do I stand with defending this claim?