i was parked in area where a permit was required, but was sitting out side a cafe looking at my car, a van pulled out In front of my car blocking my view, another car pulled up left to the van, he was only there for about two min, as the other van that was blocking my view pulled off there was a ticked on my car,
can I just ignore this parking charge notice from privet parking solutions... I've been reading other people's responses and they have said its not the police or traffic wardens and to ignore it.
i was parked in area where a permit was required, but was sitting out side a cafe looking at my car, a van pulled out In front of my car blocking my view, another car pulled up left to the van, he was only there for about two min, as the other van that was blocking my view pulled off there was a ticked on my car,
can I just ignore this parking charge notice from privet parking solutions... I've been reading other people's responses and they have said its not the police or traffic wardens and to ignore it.