I have two tickets outstanding with "Capital Car Park Control". Reading around, I have found mention that this is an unlimited company/a trading name of a sole trader - Terry Szmidt.
First and foremost, does anyone know if Capital/Terry are likely to take me to court?
Secondly, as a sole trader, by law any contract with him, or invoice (including a PCN) must declare both his own identity and the name under which he is trading.. which they dont! As he is in breach here, does he have a leg to stand on if he does progress to taking me to court?
Furthermore, I have considerable complaints about the tickets themselves:
The first I received was a ticket on the windscreen (06/06/17) - parked in residential parking without displaying a permit. I am a resident here and awaiting permit from landlord, sent an appeal letter following instructions on ticket (14/7/17) but got no reply. Sent an email chasing this up (23/6/17) and then a further week later (30/6/17), and then another (4/7/17)... In the last week I've called twice, once gotten through to a 3rd party message taking service and the other time to someone "in the main office" who I have recorded talking about the pcn as a fine. Have also spoken to the actual footman that gives out tickets here and he's said he'll pass on my email address and point out I've been trying to get in contact for a month.
If they are completely un-contactable what happens to both the 14 day appeal and low payment windows? Can they take me to court if I have a long paper trail of them being impossible to contact?
Second one, I knew nothing about for a long time but was supposedly issued 04/05/17 for parking in a no parking zone, . Came back from holiday last week to a "this remains unpaid" letter dated 12/06/17... Now looks like I have no appeal or low payment window... What can I do about a ticket I wasn't informed about in the first place?
Hope you can help and that the information about them being impossible to contact can help someone else out!
I have two tickets outstanding with "Capital Car Park Control". Reading around, I have found mention that this is an unlimited company/a trading name of a sole trader - Terry Szmidt.
First and foremost, does anyone know if Capital/Terry are likely to take me to court?
Secondly, as a sole trader, by law any contract with him, or invoice (including a PCN) must declare both his own identity and the name under which he is trading.. which they dont! As he is in breach here, does he have a leg to stand on if he does progress to taking me to court?
Furthermore, I have considerable complaints about the tickets themselves:
The first I received was a ticket on the windscreen (06/06/17) - parked in residential parking without displaying a permit. I am a resident here and awaiting permit from landlord, sent an appeal letter following instructions on ticket (14/7/17) but got no reply. Sent an email chasing this up (23/6/17) and then a further week later (30/6/17), and then another (4/7/17)... In the last week I've called twice, once gotten through to a 3rd party message taking service and the other time to someone "in the main office" who I have recorded talking about the pcn as a fine. Have also spoken to the actual footman that gives out tickets here and he's said he'll pass on my email address and point out I've been trying to get in contact for a month.
If they are completely un-contactable what happens to both the 14 day appeal and low payment windows? Can they take me to court if I have a long paper trail of them being impossible to contact?
Second one, I knew nothing about for a long time but was supposedly issued 04/05/17 for parking in a no parking zone, . Came back from holiday last week to a "this remains unpaid" letter dated 12/06/17... Now looks like I have no appeal or low payment window... What can I do about a ticket I wasn't informed about in the first place?
Hope you can help and that the information about them being impossible to contact can help someone else out!