I received a parking charge notice on 29.10.14 from Parking Eye for parking for 30 minutes without a ticket at Crown Wharf in Walsall on 23.10.14. The charge was for £85 reduced to £50 if I paid within 14 days. The photo is of a car just like mine with the same registration number as mine.
I do use that car park and always get a ticket but I can't always remember when I was there or what time. However, the day in question was the day after my 50th birthday so I remember it clearly. I had a very late lie in and didn't even get dressed until around 1pm (the parking time said 11.56am -12.26pm) I had stayed the night at my daughter's flat and my car was parked outside that address. I am the only person who drives my car.
After reading different advice I ignored the letter and subsequent ones as I knew they had obviously made a mistake. I've now received a letter from a DRP debt recovery for £135!
I called them and explained the situation but they have said that their cameras are the same as the ones used by the police and the times and dates are correct. They said that they can only provide clearer photos in colour if I write to them to request this and enclose a £10 fee. They also said that my only option is to contact the police and the DVLA to report my registration as being cloned and get a crime number. They can't do anything without a crime number.
I'm confused. What if the photos do show me as the driver (as I said I do park there regularly). How do I prove that it wasn't me on the day and time they say it was? I know where I was but can't prove this as everyone else was out of the flat at the time.
Advice anyone?
I received a parking charge notice on 29.10.14 from Parking Eye for parking for 30 minutes without a ticket at Crown Wharf in Walsall on 23.10.14. The charge was for £85 reduced to £50 if I paid within 14 days. The photo is of a car just like mine with the same registration number as mine.
I do use that car park and always get a ticket but I can't always remember when I was there or what time. However, the day in question was the day after my 50th birthday so I remember it clearly. I had a very late lie in and didn't even get dressed until around 1pm (the parking time said 11.56am -12.26pm) I had stayed the night at my daughter's flat and my car was parked outside that address. I am the only person who drives my car.
After reading different advice I ignored the letter and subsequent ones as I knew they had obviously made a mistake. I've now received a letter from a DRP debt recovery for £135!
I called them and explained the situation but they have said that their cameras are the same as the ones used by the police and the times and dates are correct. They said that they can only provide clearer photos in colour if I write to them to request this and enclose a £10 fee. They also said that my only option is to contact the police and the DVLA to report my registration as being cloned and get a crime number. They can't do anything without a crime number.
I'm confused. What if the photos do show me as the driver (as I said I do park there regularly). How do I prove that it wasn't me on the day and time they say it was? I know where I was but can't prove this as everyone else was out of the flat at the time.
Advice anyone?