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Parking Eye - PCN - HELP NEEDED!!

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  • Parking Eye - PCN - HELP NEEDED!!


    My mum received a parking charge notice in the post from Park Eye last week. She went to Aldi's in Feltham on 1/11/14 and got a PCN for just being 11 minutes over the free hour stay period.

    The PCN is dated 6/11/14 and if she pays within 2 weeks it's only £40. After then it's £70. The letter also shows her car entering and leaving the exit with time and date etc.

    She was shopping in Aldi's at the time. She can provide a bank statement proving this as well. Would that be a problem on the basis that the statement will be admitting who the actual driver was? I gather that revealing that info can hurt your case

    Is it worth pursuing? Or would Aldi be able to waive the charge etc?

    Many thanks.

  • #2
    Re: Parking Eye - PCN - HELP NEEDED!!

    Complain to Aldi as they may help.

    Also appeal. They can't really infer who the driver was because the driver and shopper might both be in the vehicle. In any event it's not a massive thing it's just that chasing a registered keeper has more hoops for them to jump through. Edit the red bit to suit.

    Dear Sirs,

    I, as registered keeper, wish to invoke your appeals procedure. The driver did not park for 130 minutes as they had to find a space as well as leaving taking time and as the cameras are at the entrance exit they did not take this non parked time in to account. There was also a genuine customer on site ( proof of purchase attached).In any event your charges are penal in nature and not a genuine pre estimate of loss.

    I am under no statutory obligation to name the driver and will not do so.

    If you reject my appeal please supply a popla code.

    Yours etc


    If they supply a popla code please return and i'll sort out a popla appeal for you.



    • #3
      Re: Parking Eye - PCN - HELP NEEDED!!

      HI Mystery 1. thanks a lot for that. I was just wondering if that template reply is a little too short. I have seen others where they are alot longer. I naturally do not want to invite them to reject my initial appeal to Parking Eye by not submitting a detailed enough letter etc. What do you think?
      Furthermore, I have an actual receipt and Aldi advised when I spoke to them that all I need to do is write and send it into their parking management team with proof and they'll process it. Dunno whether it's still viable to contact Parking Eye either by letter or telephone now. I'm obviously concerned about Aldi dragging their heels with written confirmation and thus going over the 28 day appeal period with Parking Eye etc. What do you think?


      • #4
        Re: Parking Eye - PCN - HELP NEEDED!!





        There are others, i just can't be bothered to find them

        If you fancy yourself as a bit of a writer crack on, it won't do any harm.

        Include a copy of the receipt and as long as it's worth a few bob they'll likely cancel.



        • #5
          Re: Parking Eye - PCN - HELP NEEDED!!

          Hi Mystery 1. Thanks for your info.

          Just another quick question......When I spoke to Aldi they advised that going to the actual store will be no help and that there's also no need to write to Park Eye.....they'll deal with it. I mentioned if the process gets drawn out and I don't get any resolution before the stipulated 28 day period by Parking Eye...they said not to worry as the date of the letter I send to Aldi with proof of receipt etc will freeze that appeal period. Does this make sense to you? Would you advise I email Parking Eye to be on the safe side? I'd rather have nowt to do with the leeches if I can help it!!

          On the upside they are very confident that I will get it cancelled with proof of receipt.


          • #6
            Re: Parking Eye - PCN - HELP NEEDED!!

            Never leave it to someone else. If they prove correct, happy days. If they are wrong it's a bloody nightmare.




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