Hi all,
I recently received a ‘Parking Charge Notice’ from Premier Parking Solutions. I know these are just ‘invoices’ as they are not issued by the Local Authority or Police but wanted to resolve the issue anyhow. My appeal was rejected and now I have two questions.
1. It states on the back of the ticket that appeals will be responded to within 14 days of receipt. I sent my appeal on 1st July 2014 and as of today had not received a response. I called this afternoon to chase and was told that a response was sent out on 10th July, which I have not received. I requested another copy be sent out today and also a copy via email so I could review the decision. They have rejected my appeal and stated that either £60 be paid within 14 days of their letter being ‘sent’ or £100 thereafter. As I have not actually received a response from them, will I still be liable for the full £100? How can I prove / they prove that the letter was sent / not received?
2. My second question is about whether I have a case to take my appeal further to PoPLA and my chances of success.
Below is my original letter sent to Premier Parking Solutions which states my reasons for appeal:
“Dear Sirs,
You issued me with a parking ticket on 01/07/2014 and although not on the Parking on Private Land Appeals list of grounds for appeal I believe the ticket was unfairly issued and I will not be paying your demand for payment for the following reason:
The fee is completely disproportionate to the offence. According to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations, parking charges on private land must not exceed the cost to the landowner during the period the motorist is parked there. In my case, the £60 / £100 charge you are requesting far exceeds the cost to the landowner, charged at £1 per hour. My parking ticket expired at 16:19 and I was issued with a Parking Charge Notice at 16:41, 22 minutes after my parking ticket expired. Based on your fee of £60 / £100 you are charging me £163 / £272 per hour which is an unbelievable 16300% / 27200% increase compared to your standard charge which astronomically exceeds the cost to the landowner during the period I was parked there.
The British Parking Approved Operators website states that you use ANPR technology in your car parks and I would kindly ask that you check your system database, where you will find that I departed from the car park at around 16:50, mere minutes after the Parking Charge Notice was issued. You will also find from your records that the car park was far from capacity and so my being there was not preventing any additional motorists from using the car park.
I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the parking cost is £1 per hour or £3.50 for 6 hours. You will see from my parking ticket (enclosed) that I actually paid £4 for 6 hours; an additional 50p which should in essence cover my parking (and costs to the landowner) for an additional 30 minutes. In line with the parking prices charged, I effectively paid for 6.5 hours and after reviewing your ANPR database, you will find that I departed from the car park within this timeframe and I would urge you to take this factor into account.
I accept however, that I made an honest mistake in returning to my vehicle slightly later than due and gladly offer the sum of £6.00 (the charge for a full day parking) to cover any inconvenience to the landowner (cheque enclosed).
If you choose not to accept my offer, please be aware that I will not enter into any correspondence and this will be the only letter you will receive from me until you respond to the specific points raised in my letter.”
Premier Parking Solutions rejected my appeal stating that mitigating circumstances are not grounds for appeal and that by parking there in the first place, I was agreeing to the terms set out on the notice board. If pursuing my appeal through PoPLA, I would like some advice on whether the situation outlined above would come in line with one of PoPLA’s grounds for appeal:
(The vehicle was not improperly parked: e.g. that the vehicle was not parked where stated on the parking charge notice; that you believe you were still within the time you paid for; that the voucher was clearly displayed or that the conditions were not properly signed) – Based on the fact I paid £4.00 instead of £3.50. Although the ticket only gave me 6 hours, it clearly states that I paid £4.00 which is 50p over the cost for the 6 hours the ticket gave me. Based on the charges of £1 per hour or £3.50 for 6, do I have grounds to argue that I ‘paid’ an additional 50p and was not allocated any additional time?
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I recently received a ‘Parking Charge Notice’ from Premier Parking Solutions. I know these are just ‘invoices’ as they are not issued by the Local Authority or Police but wanted to resolve the issue anyhow. My appeal was rejected and now I have two questions.
1. It states on the back of the ticket that appeals will be responded to within 14 days of receipt. I sent my appeal on 1st July 2014 and as of today had not received a response. I called this afternoon to chase and was told that a response was sent out on 10th July, which I have not received. I requested another copy be sent out today and also a copy via email so I could review the decision. They have rejected my appeal and stated that either £60 be paid within 14 days of their letter being ‘sent’ or £100 thereafter. As I have not actually received a response from them, will I still be liable for the full £100? How can I prove / they prove that the letter was sent / not received?
2. My second question is about whether I have a case to take my appeal further to PoPLA and my chances of success.
Below is my original letter sent to Premier Parking Solutions which states my reasons for appeal:
“Dear Sirs,
You issued me with a parking ticket on 01/07/2014 and although not on the Parking on Private Land Appeals list of grounds for appeal I believe the ticket was unfairly issued and I will not be paying your demand for payment for the following reason:
The fee is completely disproportionate to the offence. According to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations, parking charges on private land must not exceed the cost to the landowner during the period the motorist is parked there. In my case, the £60 / £100 charge you are requesting far exceeds the cost to the landowner, charged at £1 per hour. My parking ticket expired at 16:19 and I was issued with a Parking Charge Notice at 16:41, 22 minutes after my parking ticket expired. Based on your fee of £60 / £100 you are charging me £163 / £272 per hour which is an unbelievable 16300% / 27200% increase compared to your standard charge which astronomically exceeds the cost to the landowner during the period I was parked there.
The British Parking Approved Operators website states that you use ANPR technology in your car parks and I would kindly ask that you check your system database, where you will find that I departed from the car park at around 16:50, mere minutes after the Parking Charge Notice was issued. You will also find from your records that the car park was far from capacity and so my being there was not preventing any additional motorists from using the car park.
I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the parking cost is £1 per hour or £3.50 for 6 hours. You will see from my parking ticket (enclosed) that I actually paid £4 for 6 hours; an additional 50p which should in essence cover my parking (and costs to the landowner) for an additional 30 minutes. In line with the parking prices charged, I effectively paid for 6.5 hours and after reviewing your ANPR database, you will find that I departed from the car park within this timeframe and I would urge you to take this factor into account.
I accept however, that I made an honest mistake in returning to my vehicle slightly later than due and gladly offer the sum of £6.00 (the charge for a full day parking) to cover any inconvenience to the landowner (cheque enclosed).
If you choose not to accept my offer, please be aware that I will not enter into any correspondence and this will be the only letter you will receive from me until you respond to the specific points raised in my letter.”
Premier Parking Solutions rejected my appeal stating that mitigating circumstances are not grounds for appeal and that by parking there in the first place, I was agreeing to the terms set out on the notice board. If pursuing my appeal through PoPLA, I would like some advice on whether the situation outlined above would come in line with one of PoPLA’s grounds for appeal:
(The vehicle was not improperly parked: e.g. that the vehicle was not parked where stated on the parking charge notice; that you believe you were still within the time you paid for; that the voucher was clearly displayed or that the conditions were not properly signed) – Based on the fact I paid £4.00 instead of £3.50. Although the ticket only gave me 6 hours, it clearly states that I paid £4.00 which is 50p over the cost for the 6 hours the ticket gave me. Based on the charges of £1 per hour or £3.50 for 6, do I have grounds to argue that I ‘paid’ an additional 50p and was not allocated any additional time?
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.