hello all very new to this I received a court claim 2 weeks ago from bryan carter solicitors for Northampton court as I was on holiday I am late in replying.
it is for £1450 from llyods bank I have no clear memory of what its for but I cant dispute that I do not owe them anything because at the time I was going through a rough time but stopped using Lloyds at least 4 years ago.
please advise what I should do about replying late to the court as I do not need bailiffs calling & cant afford to pay this amount, many thanks
it is for £1450 from llyods bank I have no clear memory of what its for but I cant dispute that I do not owe them anything because at the time I was going through a rough time but stopped using Lloyds at least 4 years ago.
please advise what I should do about replying late to the court as I do not need bailiffs calling & cant afford to pay this amount, many thanks