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Help and Advice wanted re Civil Enforcement Ltd

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  • Help and Advice wanted re Civil Enforcement Ltd

    I recently received a parking notice from Civil enforcement ltd, for staying over the allowed time. I did go into Costa coffee, and have a receipt but I was also unwell and spent quite some time sitting in my car, and returning to costa to use the bathroom. I did not deliberately abuse the parking, I was unwell.

    I wrote to CEL enclosing my Costa receipt and explaining why I was there for the length of time and asking for a waiver, they have responded today saying that they will not cancel the charge and if I pay now I can pay £75 or if delayed it will be £150.

    I feel quite agreived, because the car park was not full, and I did use the facility and was unwell, giving me good reason for being over time.

    I have got a POPLA code, and am unsure what to do. I have read a lot about just ignoring these fine letters, but occassionally some people seem to be prosecuted. Will I make matters worse by filing an appeal which they say is independent, but postings Ive read say they are not Independent, but bias towardds CEL.

    I am really worried as i am self empolyed and currently also struggling with finance and this could become a lot of money, but I am also loath to give inot something like this which is just relying on frightening me into paying,etc, However I do no want any court summons against.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.
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  • #2
    Re: Help and Advice wanted re Civil Enforcement Ltd

    There is a draft letter of appeal here:


    and you can read many more in the private parking section of this site:


    You will read the generic advice from this site in the first link above. Being ill is a different issue, and IMO should really have been taken into real consideration at the first stage. Of course it is very difficult for you to prove.

    Where was the car park? If we're able to go onto Google maps and have a look at it, we may be able to offer further help. Someone may even live near it.


    • #3
      Re: Help and Advice wanted re Civil Enforcement Ltd

      Hello Labman, thank you so much for replying, the car park was Copdock Ipswich Suffolk.
      What does IMO stand for ???
      I've read so much on the links I'm completely confused. Should I file a appeal to POPLA, if so should it follow the format (well what is relevent) on the draft letter, or should I just stick to saying what I did in my initial letter to CEL, which was that I used Costa but was then poorly, sat in my car, returned to use bathroom twice and when I felt better drove away. I can't prove I was ill, but they can't prove I wasn't, how do I stand ? if they take this further.


      • #4
        Re: Help and Advice wanted re Civil Enforcement Ltd

        IMO = in my opinion.

        Ideally you should state your case, and if possible, revisit the car park to see if any of the other issues apply. It is likely that an appeal to POPLA would be unsuccessful - many are. If you look on Pepipoo (linked from my first post), you'll see quite a few which have been successful, and will get a feeling for the detail needed. You may well be able to 'pinch' bits word for word from some of those.

        It's well worth joining the site - it's free, and canvassing opinion there and getting help with drafting an appeal letter may be more beneficial than here. We don't want rid of you, but they're a specialist motorist forum.

        Pooling both lots of brains is the ideal.

        I'll try and find the car park later on and have a look to see if there's anything obvious. Hopefully others on here may as well.


        • #5
          Re: Help and Advice wanted re Civil Enforcement Ltd

          Thank you Labman, I'll register on Pepipoo, and if there is anything else you offer do let me know. I'm very grateful for your help.


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