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PCN Help

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  • #16
    Originally posted by des8 View Post
    A photo of the signs may be useful, as well as clear photos of their "evidence"
    This is the reply to my appeal:

    19/7/2024 11:52:30

    UK Parking Patrol Office
    PO Box 453
    SK14 9FG

    Parking Charge Number:  6390559

    Vehicle Registration Number: CA10CDA

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Thank you for your letter of appeal against the Parking Charge Notice issued by us on 11/07/2024. Having carefully considered the evidence provided by you we have decided to reject your appeal for the following reasons:

    The vehicle was parked on private land that is well signed with contractual notices stating: Parking is only permitted for customers of the filling station whilst remaining on site. The signage also advises of the time limit in place and that no dropping off/picking up is permitted. These notices clearly state that enforcement is carried out on a 24-hr basis. As CCTV captured your vehicle picking up/dropping off within the area the charge was correctly issued. Should you be unwilling/unable to name the driver of the vehicle the liability remains with yourself as the registered keeper.

    Please be advised that if you were unsure about the restrictions in place, our telephone number is displayed on the signage. You could have used this number to contact our offices for advice.

    We are aware this may sound harsh but, the site is extremely busy. Therefore, the landowner has implicated a time restriction. 

    You have now reached the end of our internal appeals procedure and have a number of options:

    1. Pay the Parking Charge Notice at the prevailing price of £60 within 14 days. Please note that after this time you will lose the chance to pay the discounted rate and the full amount of £100 will become payable.

    2. If you believe this decision is incorrect, you are entitled to appeal to the Independent Appeals Service (IAS). Please be advised that if you opt for independent arbitration of your case and are unsuccessful, the full amount of £100 will become payable. In order to appeal, you will need your parking charge number, your vehicle registration and the date the charge was originally issued. Appeals must be submitted to the IAS within 28 days of the date of this letter. Please visit www.theias.org for full details.

    3. If you choose to do nothing, we will seek to recover the monies owed to us via our debt recovery procedures and may proceed with Court action against you.

    How to Pay:
    You are required to pay £60 within 14 days from the issue of this correspondence. Cheques/postal orders should be crossed and made payable to:

    The UK Parking Patrol Office Ltd and posted to:     
    UK Parking Patrol Office
    PO Box 453
    SK14 9FG

    Alternatively, you can pay online at www.parking-tickets.co.uk

    Kind regards

    Appeals Manager
    Phone 03707 203807
    Web: www.parkingpatrol.co.uk
    UK Parking Patrol Office| PO Box 453 | Dukinfield | SK149FG


    • #17
      This is the image they have of us dropping off!! I know I am in the wrong doing it, but how can they prove that is us when there is no number plate showing in the picture???

      Attached Files


      • #18
        Here is a photo of what they are getting me on!! How can they know it us when there is no number plate showing in this photo??


        • #19
          What they haven't done is address the point of your letter concerning the failure of the NTK to comply with the statutory requirements of POFA2012.
          As long as they do not know the identity of the driver you have a good chance of winning in court (altho' it can be a bit of a lottery!)

          I would not bother appealing to IAS, they are far from independent!

          Try not to identify the driver, even on here as the parking companies do scan these sites


          • #20
            Originally posted by des8 View Post
            What they haven't done is address the point of your letter concerning the failure of the NTK to comply with the statutory requirements of POFA2012.
            As long as they do not know the identity of the driver you have a good chance of winning in court (altho' it can be a bit of a lottery!)

            I would not bother appealing to IAS, they are far from independent!

            Try not to identify the driver, even on here as the parking companies do scan these sites
            Any tips on my next course of action?? I dont want to go to court. but I dont want these parasites to have my money!!


            • #21
              I would sit tight and wait for the debt collectors, but then I would ignore them as well.
              Only when I received a "Letter of Claim" would I bother to reply, but even then it is unlikely they will cease their pursuit of the money and they will initiate a court claim.

              If you wish to avoid that scenario you can pay them.

              You risk court (not that scary) or you pay them


              • #22
                So are you saying this will most probably goto court!! Never been to court in my life!! Thats the scary bit.


                • #23
                  county court small claims track isn't really scary
                  No wigs etc, just people in suits sitting round a table with the judge at the head and opposing parties opposite each other.
                  Nothing like the telly, all subdued and speaking only when invited to by the judge, who will often question the witnesses rather than allowing the parties to question each other
                  All rather a bit of an anti-climax really!

                  But in any case, altho' they may initiate a court claim, parking companies often discontinue before it reaches court if a robust defence is raised, and sometimes just don't turn up for the big day which is even more frustrating


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